TIL That the US Treasury planned to replace Alexander Hamilton’s face on the $10 bill with a notable woman from US history, but decided to instead change Jackson’s face on the $20 bill, almost entirely due to the popularity of “Hamilton” | Category: Learned Source More
TIL that the Polish medal for couples who have made it to 50 years of marriage has a higher rank than the medal for deployment to Afghanistan | Category: Learned Source More
TIL if you are thrown out of a Las Vegas strip club, you are entitled to be reimbursed your cover charge and the cost of any alcoholic beverage you purchased. (Las Vegas Code of Ordinances sec.6.06B.090(O).) | Category: Learned Source More
TIL we call letters “uppercase” and “lowercase” because the original printing presses kept letter blocks in literal cases; since small letters were used more often, they kept them in the bottom case for easy access; thus, lowercase (and uppercase) were born. | Category: Learned Source More