thr33beggars: I had a dream that I picked up a $5 bill and it had RoboCop on it. I don’t really remember much else from the dream, but it was a damn good dream.
malvoliosf: The play helped but realistically Hamilton is a more defensible person than Jackson.
kodachikuno: It obviously would be less trouble to change to the $20 than to have to re write to the line “ten dollar founding father without a father”
September_Tacos: Ok, so, the article cited in wikipedia just says this:
> Mr. Lew may have reneged on a commitment he made last year to make a woman the face of the $10 bill, opting instead to keep Alexander Hamilton, to the delight of a fan base swollen with enthusiasm over a Broadway rap musical based on the life of the first Treasury secretary.
How every, there is [this]( NY Times article, which says:
> Now leading the Hamiltonians, in effect, was Lin-Manuel Miranda, the star and creator of “Hamilton,” who, in the words of the musical’s Hamilton, was not throwing away his shot. He pressed Mr. Lew to keep Hamilton on the $10 bill when the Treasury secretary and his wife saw the musical. Mr. Miranda recently said on Twitter that Mr. Lew indicated “Ham’s fans” would be happy with the ultimate decision.
> Their activism, combined with Hamilton’s newly untouchable status, eventually led Mr. Lew to consider a not-so-Solomonic decision to leave Hamilton on the face of the $10 and have a woman oust Jackson from the $20.
Lew never really says the change was because of the musical, it is just implied that the two are connected. It’s much more complicated that “a musical changed his mind”.
bobjog: Hamilton was the first Sec. of the Treasury. He handled the nation’s finances during and after the Revolutionary War. That was a pretty monumental task. His style of bookkeeping became the government’s standard. Why they would even consider replacing his portrait on the $10 is and will always be a mystery to me.
urmthrshldknw: Jackson kind of being one of the biggest pieces of shit ever makes this acceptable in my book.
SplakyD: It surprises me that Jackson, for all of his many glaring faults, doesn’t get much credit as the Father of American Popular Democracy. Whether you admire him or think he was a monster, he is definitely one of the most consequential presidents and shouldn’t be whitewashed from history. But it wouldn’t affect me whether Old Hickory’s image is removed or not. I don’t care who’s on my cash, I care if I have cash to begin with.
Maybe we should rotate the images on our currency anyway. We could have the same old portraits we’ve always had as the base images on currency, but honor those who are historically overlooked and more modern heroes with special edition notes. That would probably make bills harder to counterfeit too.
failedstarlet: The impetus behind the change of a bill was a movement to change the $20. The Treasury wanted to do the $10 instead because it was the next bill up for a redesign, but the “women on 20s” movement is the reason a woman was even going to be on the $10 after enough attention and support had been gained for a change to the $20. Beyond Hamilton fans there was an outcry from the movement itself that the point was not just to put a woman on a bill (though that was certainly an aspect of it), but to honor the centennial of women’s suffrage in, wait for it, 2020. Ultimately, the Treasury caved to multiple sources of pressure and did what people wanted in the first place, instead of imposing what they thought was a better idea and literally no one agreed with.
majikmyk: The momentum behind not replacing Hamilton was building strongly before the play, too. The play was probably the nail in the coffin of the idea, but I think that coffin would have gotten nailed shut either way. I’d say the fact this was being talked about when the play was released was beneficial to that hype train, as well. Twas symbiotic
corgblam: My name is Alexander Hamilton… Alexander Hamilton… And theres a million things I havent done, but just you wait, just you waaaaait.
TheClassicalGamer: Why would they take off Hamilton: the first secretary treasury and a huge supporter of the national bank over Jackson: a man who absolutely hated the national bank and is probably rolling in his grave because he’s on a U.S. bill
Pimp-My-Giraffe: [Relevant xkcd](
HarboringOnALament: Which is strange because Hamilton is probably the ideal positive of the founding fathers
prncpl_vgna_no_rlatn: I hadn’t heard that before. I assumed it was always the plan to remove Jackson because of his shameful legacy. Removing Hamilton would seem as unlikely as removing Jefferson or Franklin…
easybs: Just remove all faces from currency so that people stop crying about non issues
fiveminded: Serious question. Which notable American woman could adorn an American bill?
I’m European, and can’t think of any apart from Rosa Parks as being famous enough.
puppypaws98: We should get rid of people on money all together. Start putting north American animals and florals on the bills and coinage. It would make much better looking money.
MyParentsAre_Cousins: I just realized it’s been a good long wild since I’ve actually had a ten dollar bill. I normally use a credit card and don’t usually keep a lot of cash on me, but I’m always given 20s from arms and when I break change at a the register I’m usually given 5s or 1s
tomalator: Jackson was also always opposed to the national bank, so I mean there’s that
FoxInTheClouds: Let’s remove Alexander Hamilton from the 10$ bill when he created the US Treasury and the entire modern economic system lmfao
lumstream: Keep Jackson on the bill. It’s historical irony at it’s best. He was the most staunch critic of fiat currency, even going so far as to put out the *Specie Circular* E.O. requiring payments to the government to be made in valuable metals. Not to mention his feuding with the (I think) Second Bank of the U.S.
Bradend45: Not due to the fact that Hamilton literally created the US currency and economic system… That had nothing to do with it
nascarracer99316: And the current administration has decided it is not going to do it.
This is the only thing I agree with in regards to this administration.
uiucrower: Both Hamilton and Jackson were both great men who contributed a lot to America. There is no need to replace them
MobiusCube: ITT: People judging historical figures of 200+ years ago with today’s standards of morals and values. Yeah, okay, good luck with that.
bweaver94: Also how about how Hamilton founded the financial system of the United States and Andrew Jackson destroyed the US bank. Who deserves to be on money more?
bolanrox: based on fake history?
CJNAGEL: Sad because even though he was POS Andrew Jackson did more for our country dude was the most badass president by a landslide. Even Teddy Roosevelt cant touch Jackson’s level of badassery. Dude balanced the national debt something almost unheard of and he did it by conquering the fuck out of everything then selling it back.
graveybrains: It’s all about the Hamiltons.
starfleethastanks: I thought it was because Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury.
Bama_gains: It’s all about the Hamilton’s baby
BlazedLarry: Andrew Jackson took on the Rothschilds and for that I’ll always appreciate him.
IUsedToBeGoodAtThis: It was not almost entirely because of the musical. Hamilton had a lot of support in the financial and economics community before the musical.
The musical did help finalize the outcome.
HookLogan: Thought had more to do with Jackson being a reprehensible piece of shit.
Hamilton is basically responsible for our economic system and unlike most other people on our money not only didn’t own slaves but was for abolishing slavery
Spungo11: Jackson would approve… ha despised the central bank. He ended the second bank of the united states that hamilton created.
mandisplacesuxbrah: Hamilton wasnt a dick like Jackson, which is good.
Uomostoico: Also, fuck Jackson…
lol2231: Wait. Harriet Tubman is on the 20.00 bill?
DeeDeeInDC: What? noooo, people have been lobbying to get Jackson off the $20 bill of a long time now. He’s History’s greatest monster!