Explain Like I'm 5 (ELI5)
Objective and layman-
ELI5: What does the tax bill that was passed today mean? How will it affect Americans in each tax bracket?
ELI5: NASA Engineers just communicated with Voyager 1 which is 21 BILLION kilometers away (and out of our solar system) and it communicated back. How is this possible?
Seriously…. wouldn’t this take an enormous amount of power? Half the time I can’t get a decent cell phone signal and these guys are communicating on an Interstellar level. How is this done?
ELI5: Why are cheap glasses with a positive prescription (ie reading glasses) readily available, but negative prescriptions need to be custom ordered at a much higher cost?
ELI5: How can something exceed 2 Billion Kelvin?
I read somewhereand they were saying it came from a reactor. How can something get that hot and be measured without burning its surroundings?