shoeless_sean: its just a knock off “healthy” version of gatorade. If it was actually healthy it wouldnt taste good and thus it wouldnt sell
Kallikanzarid: 1. How is this news to anyone?
2. How is Gawker still in business?
sponge_bob_: “no reasonable person could be misled into thinking Vitaminwater was a “healthy drink,” despite label names such as “Defence,” “Revive,” and “Endurance,” for its different flavours of water”
Zarmazarma: “About a penny’s worth of synthetic vitamins” seems like such a useless descriptor. How many synthetic vitamins do you get for a penny? By the looks of it, it appears to be 150% of your daily vitamin C, 100% of vitamin B6, 100% of vitamin B12, 100% of pantothenic acid, some magnesium (not sure how much) and 25% of zinc, just going by the nutrition label. If it’s absurdly cheap to synthesize vitamins, then “about a pennies worth” means the opposite of how the author intended us to interpret it. The “synthetic” part is also a load of horse shit. There’s nothing wrong with isolating these chemicals and using them to fortify foods.
Obviously replacing water with sugar water is bad for you. I just wanted to point out how BS that statement was.
Sputniki: This is pretty well known by now I think – nobody I know seriously believes Vitaminwater is actually good for you or has any serious amount of vitamins.
ASUSundevil23: What about vitamin water zero?
Electrosleep: Uhh, you had to actually _learn_ that? + water will always be something horrible or gimmicky and will never be better than or as good as just regular, boring, delicious, w a t e r.
mechkg: Fucking EA
horseyhorseyhorsey: It’s also packaged deliberately to look like a pharmaceutical product, and even its name suggests that it is a health-related product. Frankly i don’t know how the manufacturers got away with it. Lawsuits have targeted this product but I guess Coke can afford to fight them.
Wotsa: How is this a TIL?
What’s next, TIL coke has sugar?
munchiesssss: You didnt have to attach a shit article to try n prove your point, it seems like it was vise-versa. There’s vitamins in the water. The o ky problem is thats its juice; so there might be some Marketting ethics to be dicussed.
There’s vitamins, and there’s also artificial sugar options; I dont see what the problem is. Can we talk about Gaterade having virtually no potassium while having excess sodium?
HolyRomanPrince: But it tastes good. I don’t think anyone thought it was healthy
SEILogistics: I feel like I’m the only one who just likes normal water
devonthemack: This is not news and should not be shocking to anyone aside from those that are totally clueless about nutrition. All you need to do is read the label.
beantrouser: You could’ve just read the label??
BS_G: 33G of sugar and it’s still nasty in my opinion.
Uname000: YUP
iamnotbillyjoel: surely it has a whole lot less sugar than coca-cola
Emibri28: What about the lemonade one? It says 0 sugar
hotpuck6: It’s also sold by Coca-Cola and endorsed by 50 cent. If either of those things screams “healthy” to you, you should probably get your head checked.
dmt477: I remember drinking all these shitty drinks when I travelled to the USA. Ridiculous how the system there makes you drink more shitty stuff than water at the end of the day, looking back at it. I quickly gained pounds of fat whilst being in USA and I am a very lean person normally.
The soft drinks and sugar industry is really bad in USA. Pretty much anywhere you go, you find vendors with sugary unhealthy stuff. On university campuses, everywhere.
bravobracus: Ok.. let’s give EA a rest and re-sharpen our pitchforks for the Vitaminwater companies..
PogingPinoy: Don’t drink your calories bros!
TheOnlySafeCult: Holy fuck do people not read the nutrition facts before deciding something is healthy? I got fat eating greasy/carb heavy indian food that had no labels, which gave me some sort of excuse(plus kids don’t really question what their parents feed them). I cannot understand how people “unknowingly” shovel sugar down their mouth. It’s on the label folks.
sprkthgas: Youre tellin me 50 cent lied to me?
wibblett: Coke zero for life
SerenaFit: Might as well drink a coke, it tastes better
poopellar: That’s why I stick to Fiji water…
trudeny: That’s why I drink it.
waterontheknee: ssshhhhhh my old co-worker who uses it in her smoothies doesn’t know this!
LimitlessPenny: I was always suspect with these things
NewScooter1234: Yeah but it tastes really good, especially yellow and pink
riderer: Is Gatorade the same list? I usually hear about it more and in better perspective than others.
WCR-jv27: Ever had Sobe? The person who created it loves to tell the story that he sold Pepsi sugar water for 300+ million. I was with a charity that he donated to a decade ago. Sobe is the equivalent of Vitamin Water for Pepsico if our definition is sliding insane amounts of sugar behind a label. Sidenote: Im sure Pepsi knew it was buying sugar and laughs when they sell it to the consumer.
TheGameSlave2: Probably why I feel so shitty after I drink one. Same deal with Snapple. Just way too much sugar. I don’t know how people can handle it. I’m no saint. I probably still have too much sugar, as a lot of us might.
positivek38: Made 50-cent pretty rich, though
Gingorthedestroyer: Got sued for 1.4 mill for misleading consumers
Thor_2099: I like this drink not because of its healthy but I love the taste. I haven’t bought them consistently in years though.
oublie_fevrier: I don’t drink them over pop because I think they’re healthier for me, I drink them over pop because I like how they taste.
donmuerte: It used to be healthier before coca-cola bought the company. Same goes for Odwalla.
GarbageDumpOfAssholz: It’s got electrolytes.
It’s what the body CRAVES
Mail_: It’s literally like drinking a coke
Spen_Masters: It’s also incredibly acidic
imnotanmra: Friends don’t let friends link to gawker.
kingsgambit123: Really? You learned that TODAY?
GorillaonWheels: Oh look, it’s this post again.
Unexpected_Santa: Is there any health difference between Gatorade and Powerade? And do they actually do anything?
GoodGreenGum: So has vitamin water actually been making my hangovers worse this entire time? God damn it
FatQuack: I’m surprised they put a whole penny worth of vitimins in it.
cheebamech: Sugar is there to fight the lovely vitamin flavor.
ProdigiousPlays: I tell my parents this all the time and they still fucking buy it
BoldAsBoognish: Didn’t the owner once say “only an idiot would think vitamin water was good for you”. Or something like that ?
bojackholmesman: MUH BEETUSCUNDISHUN
Nochairsatwork: If you’re looking for something heathy, try Diet Water Zero Lite! It only has 30 calories.
Packrat1010: I read that they also have to add in the sugar to cover up the taste of the vitamins, because it just doesn’t work as a low calorie drink.
kyleishie: I would think at this point people would realize that every “tasty” drink is sugar water.
AchaMahide: stick to plain water, bruh
joshlamm: Vitamins don’t really do anything, anyways
Earlwolf84: Vitamin Water is bad?
At least I can still Sun Chips
flat6brider: How dare you Sir… it is healthy, there is a penny’s worth of vitamin in it. I take umbrage. No make that a double umbrage. Sir.
Booman_aus: Thought this was obvious.
DougD3345: TIL Today I read the Label
simjanes2k: You should have learned that the first time you saw it, dammit
It’s printed on the side of the bottle, it’s not in French!
N3UROTOXIN: Yup. One of my teachers in hs started drinking em like a fish outa water. He got pretty big from it. He attributed it to vitamin water being so sugary and how much he drank it not realizing
thatmffm: well what did you think “crystalline sucrose” was?
Smigg_e: That thumbnail looks like a bunch of butts with undies. This whole post is a shill.. *tinfoil hat*
PuxinF: CocaCola responded to a lawsuit about Vitamin Water by stating [“no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage.”](
bororeaper: What about the zero ones?? Damn this is sad to hear
fatgirlonapogostick: This is one of those things you just know, you don’t really need to be told the facts because its obvious
Nariad: “I took quarter water sold it in bottles for 2 bucks”
somerandumguy: This just proves that most people who preach about “health” don’t have a clue as to what they’re running their mouths about. Just like every other douchebag who wags their finger in your face for not doing things *their* way.
yoder1611: Just get the sugar free variant?
Art0fLife: This is why I just stick to water. It’s not difficult to figure out really.