OptimusSublime: If you cook it even longer you get your stove privileges taken away.
ultramango: My mind just got blown.
porkchop2022: There are five stages of cooked sugar.
Soft ball (fudges)
Firm (caramels. Note the extra A, it’s not Carmel)
Hard ball (can’t remember what this makes but I think rock candy and gummies)
Soft crack (butter scotches)
Hard crack (suckers and toffees)
I don’t remember the temps of the stages because I bought a fancy candy thermometer and never had to think about it.
Soft crack and hard crack always got giggles in school because chefs can be immature, too.
Source: went to culinary.
black_flag_4ever: And grandparents have both.
LammergeierAteMyBone: Butter and brown sugar is made with butter and brown sugar, too, it’s just cooked shorter.
ShoutOutTo_Caboose: Both equally delicious imo.
Drugfreedave: My mind just got buttered and melted.
LJHalfbreed: Man… what the hell? I don’t care for butterscotch but man Toffee is pretty well much amazing.
ImranRashid: Unless I completely burn it, every time I try to make something with fat and sugar, it usually turns out tasty, even if I fuck something about the temperature up. Tried to make maple cream or maple butter one time, ended up making rocks of maple sugar crystals. Tried to make maple bacon caramel and a couple times before I got it right I ended up with the complete wrong consistency. Its a pain, I find and if you have a thermometer you really have to catch it at the right moment when it starts getting close to the magic number. Still haven’t mastered Scottish tablet or Dulce de leche.
TinaLikesButz: My mom and I used to make homemade butterscotch candy. SO easy, and once you have it, you’ll never eat store bought again. Dang, now I’ve got to go make some.
axstrum: I love butterscotch, hate toffee …til; I like my brown sugar and butter medium and will return well done
SquirrelTactic: Toffee is made with white sugar, at least any toffee I’ve ever made. Source: I run a toffee making business.
MrLandingbird: TIL I love butterscotch onions.
buddy_hinton: TIL bread is made with water, yeast and flour. Toast is made with the same ingredients, but cooked longer.
N8UrBoY: Anyone try to nuke one and make toffee yet?
Ben and Jerry don’t always agree with each other…
“To Hell with your so-called butterscotch!”
“Mount up boys,
Toffee Ho!”
MrRonns: So butterscotch is like cookie dough?
znhunter: It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the length of time spent cooking, but the temperature and stage of the sugar when you stop cooking it.
Dark_Vengence: Mind blown!
yappledapple: I wish Mackintosh Toffee, was more available in the US.
blore40: Wait, there is no scotch in butter scotch?
GreenGoddess33: Pro-tip. When making anything with sugar and butter (I’m thinking Russian Fudge), the trick is to simmer the mixture for at least 18 mins, stirring pretty much constantly. You’ve gotta let the ingredients “bond”. Otherwise it will be all gritty. You want smooth, rich fudge. Recipe here: https://www.chelsea.co.nz/browse-recipes/russian-fudge/
DNAprototype: Legit butterscotch has- Scotch whiskey.
Ruleofthumb: Were you at the Convention Grill today?
lucky_719: Brown sugar is made with white sugar and molasses. A whole lot easier to keep molasses and plain sugar on hand.