saxwilltravel: Anything to get a dude off the couch.
JelloDarkness: > “At that time, Mark Hamill was always on my couch,” Englund once recalled. “He was filming a TV series across the street… So he was always at my place, and I knew he was home because his cowboy boots were out front. He always left his boots outside. So there he was, halfway through a six-pack, watching ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show.’ I went in and I said to him, ‘Look at these sides, I think you’re right for this, man. This character is like a space prince, and it’s George Lucas!’”
TooShiftyForYou: Mark Hamill:
*Robert is a friend but was never my roommate. He was also one of several people who told me about the #SW auditions.*
DesMephisto: This just makes me more happy that Harrison Ford was Han Solo….
Nexures: Its weird to me how so many actors are close friends but they never actually starred in a film together or talk about each other in interviews etc. Like freddy krueger and skywalker lol
Permafox: All I can think of is Freddy Krueger showing up with lightsaber fingers…
clothy: I prefer the story of how Harrison Ford was cast as Han Solo. George Lucas was reluctant to cast actors that he had previously worked with (he worked with Ford in American Graffiti). The producer hired Ford to do some carpentry in the building where they were holding auditions. Ford was then asked to read opposite the actors auditioning for Luke and Leia. Eventually Lucas cast Ford as Han.
jimmyjames1992: Did Steve Buscemi audition?
HookersForDahl2017: Imagine Freddy Krueger fingering Princess Leia
314159265358979326: When Mark Hamill was auditioning, he didn’t know whether it was serious sci-fi or a parody.
xXDragon_BloodXx: Robert Englund devastated he didn’t get the part, goes on to career as Freddie Cougar.
sbd3phizy: Yeah, he got rid of him.
BrickGun: R.E., you’ll always be “Willie” to me.
awetamale: What a great friend.
El_Quetzal: Freddy shot first
elementhelium: Won’t catch me sleepin on freddy’s couch. pshh
Blacbamboo: See where all sleeping on our friends coach waiting to be pushed into some dumb luck, powerball-esq success.
montbrew82: Now, that my friends is how you throw your boy an alley-oop!
IanGecko: When I worked at the Utah Shakespeare Festival, the backstage tour guides would tell a story about how Hamill was cast for the 1975 or ’76 season; right after that his agent called him about an audition for a movie. Hamill decided to go on that audition instead of performing at the festival, and he got the part as Luke Skywalker.
vladranner: I like him, but he would have made a terrible Han Solo
CymbalKrash3: Robert is Freddy Krueger. Hugh Jackman is Wolverine. Luckily there is current news that Hugh may surprise us with a return to Wolverine after his claim of being tired of his diet. Robert, please come back to Freddy Krueger. Your counterpart killed the franchise. On a side note, I’m surprised Tarantino never ventured for an actor like Robert Englund.
WerTiiy: and he never did anything else after that.