makenzie71: >get out
Top of a short list of things a whale would only have to tell me once.
twiggez-vous: Those 73% of you who upvoted this without seeing the article are missing out.
The imbedded audio of Noc the Beluga Whale is well worth hearing.
OrionSouthernStar: >He didn’t try to bullshit you like some of the dolphins did. He was just glad for your time, and he was very patient.
DragoonDM: >out, out, out
“You don’t need to tell me twice, horrifying Lovecraftian murmurs!”
ellelelle: Belugas love singing too.
BeetleBones: This freaks me out. No good can come of sea creatures learning to lure us around.
LorenzoPg: Spooky shit m8
ClickHereForUpvote: I was in Beijing some years ago and they have a beluga in an extremely small tank in the Beijing Zoo. That creature must feel terrible. You could hear his/her screams through the entire building. I have a picture somewhere if anyone wants to see it.
They also had a seaturtle in 50cm deep water with barely enough room to turn.
JustZachR: “He didn’t try to bullshit you like some of the dolphins did…” I really want to hear more about this dolphin fuckery. They should have had her elaborate more on that. You can’t say some shit like that and just leave us hanging.
Boopy7: Thank you for this. I am sitting here with chills. I mean…just wow. I gotta look into this some more. I am so glad you put this out here for people like me to discover!
The_Duc_Lord: I, for one, welcome our new cetacean overlords.
Pikesmakker: >during the Cold War
That’s like a 45-year window
Reichukey: Internet comments don’t really do much usually. I can only hope people will take what I say to heart. I have to say it somewhere. This made me at once sad and disturbed and tearing up in awe. A creature very similar to ourselves trying to communicate and we never really listened. We still have them in captivity. We still bombard them with torture. We still think of ourselves as a lonely island of intelligence. Is it so we don’t despair over what we have done? Is it progress no matter the cost? Is it that even though we think of ourselves as the best evolved we have yet to evolve true kindness and understanding to transcend the boundaries of different species? We are not alone in the universe. They do live among us. We exploit them for entertainment and greed. Our own animal family. What are we going to do when the greed catches up and we have poisoned the last of the water? This sort of discovery should catapult us into doing something with purpose! Make the planet better for all inhabitants so we don’t have to escape to another one. Something they cannot do. This sort of thing I wish we could all feel. And I hope I listen to myself as well. Knowing the right things to do is easy. Doing them is hard. Let’s all do the hard part for the sake of everyone. Especially those we have hurt in the process of building civilization.
Homeskin: Amazing story but so sad to hear of their removal from their families.
kalgary: I’m sure the whale was super happy in captivity. He just wanted his tiny prison to himself.
SpermWhale: Noc is a coN artist !!!
tdayt2000: Welp. That’s gonna haunt my dreams. Thanks..
Magos-Explorator: Nuke the whales
breally989: I’m a whale biologist
hey_talk_to_me: > He didn’t try to bullshit you like some of the dolphins did. He was just glad for your time, and he was very patient.
Now that’s a standout whale. Also, very cool that our military trains god damn sea mammals and that they come know each other’s personalities.
doctorcrimson: Reminds me of a study where researchers tried to teach a dolphin to better communicate only to conclude Dolphins were completely incapable of complex language structures.
LucianoLuckyHands: Driving the Cold War is so vauge and irrelevant
archtv: That first sentence is some r/titlegore.
Thatchers-Gold: After listening to the audio, it does really sound like the whale’s mimicking American speech. Not a joke, as a non American the intonation sounds close, and you can almost hear the rolling of the “r”‘s. I could be and probably am totally wrong though
purvaka: I don’t think it was telling them to get out. I think it was asking to be let out.
irishtrashpanda: Reminds me of the girl who talks to dolphins documentary, scientists tried to get dolphins to talk by feeding them acid and jerking them off to get them to concentrate better.
aldraek: Maybe it’s making complicated whales sounds
Dimbit: Sounds Australian.
Obdurodonis: This sounds like bullshit.
puzdawg: What does the cold war have to do with this?
thehonestyfish: /r/TotallyNotWhales
mochalotivo: This almost sounds like it was mocking human speech.
I wonder if this is what it sounds like to dogs/cats when I do my best attempts at barking/meowing??
ShunnedDad: Thanks to the latest season of Fargo, I have heard this!
Thanks for the reminder of it. Upon first hearing I thought out was Americans doing a terrible native American speech attempt. Now I know what’s up!
Zitronensalat: NOC: „Out, out, out“
Divers panic out of the water.
NOC: „Out, out, out“
Divers panic out of the water.
NOC: „Wtf!!! Loool!! Noobs!!“
jterp21: This post title is butchered to all hell. Use commas next time man.
slackdastard: I learned this last time this was posted, like 8 months ago.
LousyReputation7: Lololol. Fuck off.