inkyfrinky1989: Yeah, nah. Fuck that!
Ophukk: Anyone who says they found it without proof is full of shit.
Still looking.
Put me out of my misery.
Genetic_Heretic: This could give me a heart attakakakakaakakak. You oughta know by noooowwww.
seven3true: This one has been fucked with. The answer is supposed to be on the bottom left and it’s not there.
dirtywang: I am blind now, thanks
mrfluffydick: Found it. Bottom left. KAYAAAAAK
a_screaming_comes: The cake is a lie. For those seeking [fair play](
[deleted]: [deleted]
Lovethoselittletrees: Does it only appear once?
StickguyMB: I can find “Kaya” a billion times tho
_Elusivity: /r/redditisfacebook
BubbyW111: KayaKill yourself.
Vomiran: [There, found it.](
MurfDogDF40: The worst ones are KAYA and then it’s an A or Y and my hopes are crushed.
Edit: read the comments and I was destined to fail from the beginning.
Buttstache: Found Kyanka. Damnit Lowtax!
Thegoodkev: Honestly downvoted this shit. Nothing is interesting about a hard puzzle made impossible with no warning. Only regret and frustration remain.
skinnergy: Gave up after three hours.
Urbanviking1: I give this post 2 hours before some masochistic SOB post a pic of the word KAYAK circled in this word search.
Little_Baby_Steam: I just wondering how long did it take to make this?
TotallyDepraved: I can find at least a dozen Tagalog (Filipino) words in that.
kittykat87654321: Well… I️ found Kayaa like fifty times. Participation medal?
Agar4life: This reads like the script for the aliens in Mars Attacks!
Mistoku: Found so far: AY, KKK, KAKA, KAY, AKA, YAK, YAYA
anotherdot: Anyone else see the letters changing colors? Mainly blue and red.
vibratorsalesman: Brutal.
UserOfChairs: F*** this KAYAK is probably in there somewhere.
xrbxwingless: [Kee Yaa!](
Stoic_Stranger: Just looking at that made my eyes water.
Tronkfool: As an afrikaans person, I smiled every time the word KAK comes up.
sirpilsofd: ~~Spoiler alert, I found it.~~ i didn’t find it 🙁
linkneo: Kayay
Dolphin-: This just hurts my eyes.
dillonsrule: I figure the “y” is the key. Just move to every “y” and see if it has “a”‘s lined up on either side and then check for the “k”‘s. It is a good system. There are less “y”s to check than anything else. After about 20 mins of checking “y”s, I think there is no “Kayak” in here at all. Thanks troll.
useThisName23: I find three letters in a row and i lose my place
TacoFrag: I found a kayaaak
Hot_spot1234: Jokes on you it’s not even in there
janglang: Ah, I get it now. The word kayak is not actually in there.
Kimbroix: Found them. One at the top and one at the bottom.
GeestWagen: I found it!
It’s at the middle bottom
Liquid_Wolf: It isn’t that bad.
Look for the pattern AYA and then check both sides for a K. You’ll move through the puzzle much faster than looking for individual letters.
alexandrazen: I looked at this for all of 8 seconds before getting intense anxiety and having to stop
SandboxSimulator: Its around the middle
AFirewolf: 1 row 6th letter go 2 right then 2 down
toggle88: Wow. Found it under 30s. The gods smile upon me.
cole_C-137: Found it
Sateloco: I found it in 2 seconds. second row bottom left.
Bombinic: Took me 5 seconds.