Excerpt from “Manson Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi
Let’s talk about your role as prosecutor. What was that trial like? It was the longest trial that had ever been held up to that point.
I was honored that the DA had enough confidence to assign a case of that magnitude and complexity to me. I worked on it around the clock, seven days a week, sometimes 80 or 90 hours. The trial was almost as bizarre as the murders themselves. One day, Manson got a hold of a sharp pencil and, from a standing position, he leaps over the counsel table and starts to approach the judge, and of course the bailiffs immediately tackle him, and he shouted out to the judge, “In the name of Christian justice, I want to chop off your head.” The judge started carrying a .38-caliber revolver under his robe in court. One of the defense attorneys vanished from the face of the earth during the trial and turned up dead.”
-i-hate-you-all: From the article:
>One day, Manson got a hold of a sharp pencil and, from a standing position, he leaps over the counsel table and starts to approach the judge, and of course the bailiffs immediately tackle him, and he shouted out to the judge, “In the name of Christian justice, I want to chop off your head.” The judge started carrying a .38-caliber revolver under his robe in court. One of the defense attorneys vanished from the face of the earth during the trial and turned up dead.
gheistbane: A friend of mine’s mother was the court artist for the trial. She has all the original drawings in a room in her house.
hankbaumbach: [A pencil, who does that?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ-fBryfh3Q)
fdgfdgfdgedfare: Ive found Alvin Karpis’s (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvin_Karpis) description of the young Manson interesting. Karpis was Public Enemy #1 and the longest served prisoner on Alcatraz but he writes –
> This kid approaches me to request music lessons. He wants to learn guitar and become a music star. “Little Charlie” is so lazy and shiftless, I doubt if he’ll put in the time required to learn. The youngster has been in institutions all of his life —first orphanages, then reformatories, and finally federal prison. His mother, a prostitute, was never around to look after him. I decide it’s time someone did something for him, and to my surprise, he learns quickly. He has a pleasant voice and a pleasing personality, although he’s unusually meek and mild for a convict. He never has a harsh word to say and is never involved in even an argument.
kbgames360: Charles Manson was one freaky individual. [This interview answer when asked “Who are you” always creeps me out.](https://youtu.be/k9QXY80OxS0)
sven_trolly: He also said I am you. You created me. I am but a reflection of society.
Chuck was institutionalized from a young age – and we all know what happens to animals when denied affection as infants.
MineDogger: Manson was the Kim Kardashian of murderers. He loved the spotlight. No gun necessary, Manson just needed to be seen making the attempt to keep up his image of psycho killer.
Syrinx16: Its scary that people believe he was innocent and unjustly imprisoned. There are more than a few youtube videos interviewing him where the comments are…demoralizing to say the least.
colhurts: Misunderstood ‘fill him with lead’
Mr_Magpie: This case was drawn out.
uymai: two things:
here’s a dramatization of manson leaping at the judge:
and if i remember right, manson was pretty short, and one of the regular sized officers tried to replicate the leap at the judge while the court was in recess and wasn’t able to get that kind of airtime
LovesTheWeather: No one has mentioned he died yesterday, surprised me because I hadn’t been aware he was still alive!
zerthwind: This dude should be forgotten about and all the good people lost rememberd instead.
tomytronics: FWIW death penalty was still legal when he was arrested. Had he tried for the judge again, he would have been served death penalty preemptively. California abolished death penalty a year later which allowed him to languish in prison for nearly half a century.
RolandKa: I hate that this guy was famous.
redditalready411: The man was nuttier than squirrel shit
RetardAuditor: Understandable
The-Swat-team: Why was he allowed to live a full life? I get the death penalty law change thing but come on wtf
Ox_Baker: Oh, it’s even better.
Right before the pencil-stab attempt, Judge Older told Manson that of his courtroom antics, “If you don’t stop, I’ll have you removed.”
Manson’s answer: “If you don’t stop, I’ll have YOU removed. I have a little system of my own.”
buttchugging_nyquil: I hope that judge spent every waking moment of is spare time thinking of one liners to use if he had to shoot Manson. That’s a golden, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
pibroch: https://media1.tenor.com/images/f1c51a3515a34f9531722effad3dc253/tenor.gif?itemid=5636768
boxingdude: It was an understatement bro!
Alan_Smithee_: I did not know that.
Checks_0ut: The Penis mightier than the sword.
9-1-Holyshit: Shame he didn’t get to use it on him.
opticscythe: How about we don’t talk about him and just let him disappear…?
derlich: I once saw him kill 3 men in a bar with a pencil.
barfy_the_dog: Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme reached under her prison smock and pulled a pile of shit from her ass and threw it at the judge.
Behave_or_else: Why this fucker wasn’t fried sooner is beyond me…
Azalith: Let’s not give any more attention to this deadbeat prick Manson
Foo3112: TIL that Charles Manson charged at a Judge with a pencil during his trial.