bakemeawaytoys: [Woof woof, *motherf**ker*!](
plz_send_noods: Also, corgi means dwarf dog in Welsch
IsthatTacoPie: According to legend, Corgis will bark at anything that blows in the wind or casts a shadow
NovaHyperion3601: I’m totally using Corgi-riding Fey (basicaly faries) in my next Dungeons and Dragons adventure now!
effthedab: This is no legend, this is fact
MutantTentaclePony: Corgis are pure happiness distilled into dog form.
IzzyIzumi: Oh God, I need to see a fairie riding a Corgi into battle.
EDIT: You are all gods among men. And not the Puck kind.
ToastedUmbilical: TII
Raibean: Explains my dog.
TogetherInABookSea: I read this in a random fantasy book once. I’m pretty sure it was a book by Jessica Day George. I mentioned it once in a conversation where corgis were being discussed and everyone looked at me like I actually believed in fairies….
StainSp00ky: I refuse to believe anything else
blue_strat: Are they not?
FuzyWuzy1: Corgi are very small, does that mean they were once small wolves?
CarmenFandango: I think those legends speak more relevantly to a robust tradition of alcohol consumption.
analogpursuits: This would explain why a family I know has fairy figurines all over their house and they own a corgi.
Bobbeyjazz: Pixar needs to make a movie on this folk legend STAT.
keikii: I only clicked the article to see a corgi wearing a tie, and I am so disappointed that black thing in the thumbnail is not a tie!
MechTheDane: In reality they are descendants of the Vikings little Vallhund dogs.
trennerdios: Of course, they’ve [modernized the system]( these days.
Le_jack_of_no_trades: Yup checks out
Bone_Dice_in_Aspic: I mean less TIL and more IGIJAAT. . I,guess I just always assumed that
Stormline: *corgwn
mcmanybucks: Now I want a game where you’re an elf and you ride corgis around the woods.
athanathios: [For those who hasn’t seen them, they are these](×290.jpg)
SodiumHaze: > dwarf dog (cor = dwarf, gi = lenitive of ci, dog) in the Welsh language, which was not intended as an insult to the dog’s size, rather as a purely descriptive term.
Dear Wikipedia-writer, who on earth believes that anyone would try to insult a dog verbally because of it’s size???
padizzledonk: All I can think of now are companies of armored battle corgis drenched in blood, being ridden into battle against the enemies of the woodland fairies.
And they’re still super f**king adorable
bearssuck: Fairies used to ride these babies for miles.
wezli333: Corgos are hungry doggos, and no one has ever seen a fairy IRL.
Teal_Kitten: Im welsh and i didn’t even know that
TaperBinkie: Why did you think the Queen always has a couple around her???
Guard Calvary, ridden by her fairy protectors.
Shanagator80: TIL that my corgi knows he’s fancy and therefore he’s a jerk. (Just kidding, I’ve known this for years).
sufferpuppet: Yes, I get it. They are cute. They are also horrible, stupid, and full of health problems. Whatever you do, don’t get a corgi.
Source: Wife has a corgi. Other corgi owners we’ve talked with all had the same issues.
Nordicist1: inb4 the dumb urbanite nu male atheist scum try to say that fairies don’t exist, even though they do, along with woodland spirits, elves, gnomes, etc
volkof: That’s almost as dumb as believing the cross marking on a donkey’s back is because Jesus rode one.
shitstorm_delux: I don’t think that’s true to be honest.
MarineLife42: The Welsh woodland fairies can have their bitey little yappers right back.
Give me a Lab or St Bernhard, or the best of all – some undefinable dog park mixture with, possibly, a bit of duck in it. Robust, intelligent, now that’s a dog. Those purebred (ie, inbred) short poop machines? I don’t know what that is but it ain’t a dog.