Everyone, do yourselves a favor and read this article. There’s so much going on.
>Robinson baselessly claimed that the civil rights movement was a communist plot to “subvert capitalism” and used “to subvert free choice and where you go to school and things like that.”
>Robinson made many of the comments on the podcast “Politics and Prophecy” with host Chris Levels on Freedomizer Radio, a station whose slogan says “Freedomists Freedomizing Freedom.” Levels is a conspiracy theorist who has shared 9/11 truther posts on Facebook, called the Olympics an illuminati event from Satan and shared posts saying Jews control nearly everything in society.
It’s a bigoted stance to take, but there is SOME truth to it.
The civil rights acts banned private establishments from discriminating based on race. So technically, the government infringed on everyone’s freedom….to be racist pieces of shit.
And before people bring up slavery, slavery is kind of a different can of worms. The logical impasse with slavery has always been that the freedom to own another human conflicts with the other human’s freedom to generally not be owned. Thus, it could be argued that abolishing slavery was both for and against freedom, but mostly for.
Due to the civil rights act, (racist) business owners were denied the freedom to deny business based on their personal (racist) beliefs. You could argue that minorities were denied the freedom to shop there, but that is a comparatively weak claim since (theoretically) other options exist.
The problem was that, in practice, other (non racist) shops often didn’t exist. At least, not within a reasonable distance. So, the US government was faced with a decision: continue to allow “personal freedoms” to flourish at the cost of the black and brown communities, risking outright rebellion with movements like Malcolm X’s gaining traction by the day, OR take the objectively authoritarian action of restricting people’s ability to deny service. They chose the latter, and the skeptic in me thinks it had more to do with Malcolm X than MLK junior.
What’s also interesting to ponder is how businesses are still granted the right to deny service based on religion or sexual orientation, as far as I understand anyway. Makes you wonder what would happen if an lbgtq version of Malcolm X rose to prominence….
“Soooo many rights lost, like the right of decent White folk to keep Blacks out of their business, neighborhoods, schools, and pools, for starters,” said the man who yearned for a past in which it was legal for bored racist teenagers to kill him to amuse themselves.
Germany cracks down hard on citizens spouting pro-Nazi propaganda. Wonder when we’ll start doing the same for confederates and those wanting to bring back slavery.
dont these conservative minority and women pundits know that when they are no longer needed to get the vote they will be kicked back to the curb and kitchen pronto
RazzleSihn says
Like the freedom to lynch black people, or discriminate against black people, or all the resulting civil rights movements that pushed off of that one.
🙁 Man these truly are dark times/s
Erulastiel says
Why am I not surprised about this? Oh that’s right, it’s coming from the GOP. Nothing they say should shock us anymore.
Arigato_MrRoboto says
This shit makes my eyes glaze over.
“It’s the free market!”
*one second later*
Republicans can eat shit and then human centipede their own shit.
zwaaa says
Like the freedom to own people like me
grisioco says
Everyone, do yourselves a favor and read this article. There’s so much going on.
>Robinson baselessly claimed that the civil rights movement was a communist plot to “subvert capitalism” and used “to subvert free choice and where you go to school and things like that.”
>Robinson made many of the comments on the podcast “Politics and Prophecy” with host Chris Levels on Freedomizer Radio, a station whose slogan says “Freedomists Freedomizing Freedom.” Levels is a conspiracy theorist who has shared 9/11 truther posts on Facebook, called the Olympics an illuminati event from Satan and shared posts saying Jews control nearly everything in society.
Alert-Mud-672 says
Suck that boot!
boxsmith91 says
It’s a bigoted stance to take, but there is SOME truth to it.
The civil rights acts banned private establishments from discriminating based on race. So technically, the government infringed on everyone’s freedom….to be racist pieces of shit.
And before people bring up slavery, slavery is kind of a different can of worms. The logical impasse with slavery has always been that the freedom to own another human conflicts with the other human’s freedom to generally not be owned. Thus, it could be argued that abolishing slavery was both for and against freedom, but mostly for.
Due to the civil rights act, (racist) business owners were denied the freedom to deny business based on their personal (racist) beliefs. You could argue that minorities were denied the freedom to shop there, but that is a comparatively weak claim since (theoretically) other options exist.
The problem was that, in practice, other (non racist) shops often didn’t exist. At least, not within a reasonable distance. So, the US government was faced with a decision: continue to allow “personal freedoms” to flourish at the cost of the black and brown communities, risking outright rebellion with movements like Malcolm X’s gaining traction by the day, OR take the objectively authoritarian action of restricting people’s ability to deny service. They chose the latter, and the skeptic in me thinks it had more to do with Malcolm X than MLK junior.
What’s also interesting to ponder is how businesses are still granted the right to deny service based on religion or sexual orientation, as far as I understand anyway. Makes you wonder what would happen if an lbgtq version of Malcolm X rose to prominence….
Chasman1965 says
I’m curious about what freedoms this guy thinks were lost?
Quelieu says
“Soooo many rights lost, like the right of decent White folk to keep Blacks out of their business, neighborhoods, schools, and pools, for starters,” said the man who yearned for a past in which it was legal for bored racist teenagers to kill him to amuse themselves.
jest4fun says
Aaaannnddd…. He’s a black republican fucking idiot bitching about how bad the Civil rights movement is for the black community.
Am from NC. This is the NC gop’s answer to Herschel Walker.
Woodpeckinpah123 says
Oh, Tom…
mymar101 says
This is like a trans person running for a GOP seat to restrict gender affirming care for everyone.
willpowerpt says
Germany cracks down hard on citizens spouting pro-Nazi propaganda. Wonder when we’ll start doing the same for confederates and those wanting to bring back slavery.
New_Ad_3010 says
Anyone not white Christian nationalist but Republican, WTF is wrong with you? Jesus.
ciroccoo says
dont these conservative minority and women pundits know that when they are no longer needed to get the vote they will be kicked back to the curb and kitchen pronto