Missouri GOP Wants To Overturn St. Louis Cat Declawing Bans– Legislators say the city and county have no right to restrict medicine — for cats, not humans
Now the Republicans want to hurt kittens. How much more mustache twirling evil do conservatives have to do before we can black bag and disappear the lot of them?
When speaking about why he sponsored the overturning of the declawing law he stated:
“It interferes with the patient-client relationship with the practitioner,” Brown, the bill sponsor, said. “I think that needs to be between the practicing veterinarian and the owner of the pet.”
Irony is officially dead, well it has been awhile, but seriously…
He worried it interferes with the owner and the vet, but doesn’t see why him wanting to ban abortions interferes with doctors and LIVING PEOPLE!
I believe he said that quote to rub salt in the wound of those who oppose his abortion stance. It’s too close to a real argument for legalized abortions to have been by accident. People like this guy are fuckin scumbags.
Republicans love to say they are in favor of local
Control. Until a city passes legislation they don’t like. Then they are in favor of state control. We’ll, unless they control the federal legislator or judiciary. Then that’s where they want decisions made.
brademerika says
I believe they have the right to restrict torture of animals.
zwaaa says
But didn’t God intend for these animals to have claws?
ContactJuggler says
Now the Republicans want to hurt kittens. How much more mustache twirling evil do conservatives have to do before we can black bag and disappear the lot of them?
Victor_C says
Landlords are very likely behind this push.
wtfburritoo says
The blatant hypocrisy of demanding less medical restrictions for animals than humans…
The US is becoming a parody of itself.
ThatCatfulCat says
The cruelty is the point
PoppaDocPA says
When speaking about why he sponsored the overturning of the declawing law he stated:
“It interferes with the patient-client relationship with the practitioner,” Brown, the bill sponsor, said. “I think that needs to be between the practicing veterinarian and the owner of the pet.”
Irony is officially dead, well it has been awhile, but seriously…
He worried it interferes with the owner and the vet, but doesn’t see why him wanting to ban abortions interferes with doctors and LIVING PEOPLE!
I believe he said that quote to rub salt in the wound of those who oppose his abortion stance. It’s too close to a real argument for legalized abortions to have been by accident. People like this guy are fuckin scumbags.
TheOriginalKrampus says
The Missouri GOP can overturn declawing bans if they can best a Mountain Lion in hand to hand combat.
We can do it Roman Coliseum-style.
rawkguitar says
Republicans love to say they are in favor of local
Control. Until a city passes legislation they don’t like. Then they are in favor of state control. We’ll, unless they control the federal legislator or judiciary. Then that’s where they want decisions made.
mymar101 says
Literally everything else has more rights in the US than people do.
mauore11 says
So the cat’s body its their choice? Interesting..
JustDiscoveredSex says
But they also are chill with outlawing abortion.
shinobipopcorn says
Excuse me, what? Declaw him then talk about undoing the ban.
Bryandan1elsonV2 says
Man these people are just the worst. Every possible horrible thing, they love. It’s insane.
Cinema_King says
Republicans look at every issue to find the most evil take then run with it