That’s about what I expected. They allowed our air space to be violated and got embarrassed, so then they got trigger happy to say “see we are keeping you safe”.
Ask yourself this. They made a big show of force shooting down the Chinese balloon and the other 3 objects. Why are they willing to take an L here PR wise by admitting they shot a god damn mylar birthday balloon out of the sky? That screams incompetence and an absolute lack of ability to protect the nation. You can accept their answers. Buy I’m suspicious of this whole thing. I don’t think it’s aliens. But I’m having a hard time believing for 3 days straight they were just blasting trash out of the sky, and no one had the common sense to put a stop to the panic shooting over our skies.
So to clarify, this is the 2ND ballon that entered Alaskan airspace that was shot down after the first one that was confirmed to be a spy balloon. Very misleading title
dgdio says
If I were Raytheon I’d be giving every kid in China a balloon that could make it make it to the USA.
rexspook says
It’s a 32” balloon. I thought the military stated the objects were about the size of a car? Seems like a stretch
tugrumpler says
*You have your own weather balloon?*
*not any more..*
jayfeather31 says
So, we spent $400,000 to down a $12 balloon, not counting everything else that went into the firing of the missile.
alexxerth says
Don’t you need to register these sort of things with the FAA if they’re flying in commercial flight paths?
JenMacAllister says
I wonder what happened to the other 98 Luftballons?
Coke_Addict26 says
That’s about what I expected. They allowed our air space to be violated and got embarrassed, so then they got trigger happy to say “see we are keeping you safe”.
Korith_Eaglecry says
Ask yourself this. They made a big show of force shooting down the Chinese balloon and the other 3 objects. Why are they willing to take an L here PR wise by admitting they shot a god damn mylar birthday balloon out of the sky? That screams incompetence and an absolute lack of ability to protect the nation. You can accept their answers. Buy I’m suspicious of this whole thing. I don’t think it’s aliens. But I’m having a hard time believing for 3 days straight they were just blasting trash out of the sky, and no one had the common sense to put a stop to the panic shooting over our skies.
africanasshat says
That kid didn’t know it yet but he got taught an early lesson in life.
dvdmaven says
One out of three may have been?
DeviousAardvark says
So to clarify, this is the 2ND ballon that entered Alaskan airspace that was shot down after the first one that was confirmed to be a spy balloon. Very misleading title
Bothersome_Inductor says
Big funny if true
Uncle_Leo93 says
ITT: lmaomericans