Yes, let’s demolish any semblance of a national education standard, which already falls woefully short on the international front, so that we can cement ourselves as the absolute dumbest, most poorly-educated military superpower in the world.
Because we all know damned well, if left to their own devices, many states would set the bar so low that they may as well not even bother offering education in the first place.
Lowering university admittance standards, not giving students grades, everybody advances to the next grade level, depreciating the value of SAT/ ACT scores, not celebrating National Merit Scholarship Finalists so other students won’t feel bad, basing college admission quotas on race/ ethnicity (no Asians) instead of merit, the downward spiral of standardized testing scores in public education, etc. etc. etc.
Something has to change. Is this the direction? Don’t know. We need to have a serious conversation about education placing value on achievements, desiring success and competing to be the best instead of settling for mediocrity. Perhaps this is the start point because the USA will continue to fall further behind the rest of the world.
our standards for education were far higher when the feds stayed out of it. leave it up to the states, or better yet the counties, to decide whats best for their particular students. the past 40 years has done nothing but dumb down our kids.
Mmmm, not really satire considering Republicans have been trying to (and sadly succeeding in) lowering education standards throughout the country for decades now.
Fortunately for him, the voters he’s looking to appease already lack reading and comprehension skills.
Unfortunately for the rest of us, Republicans want the rest of the country to be just as uneducated as their voters are.
I know we likely won’t see them in this sub since they don’t stray far from the echo chambers, but I can only imagine the laughable defense conservative voters have for this bill.
Vinca1is says
This is not oniony, the Republican party, or at least the current version of it, is very against education and public education in particular.
Falling education standards in the US undermine our country’s future. How are we to compete with other counties if our population can barely do math?
wtfburritoo says
Yes, let’s demolish any semblance of a national education standard, which already falls woefully short on the international front, so that we can cement ourselves as the absolute dumbest, most poorly-educated military superpower in the world.
Because we all know damned well, if left to their own devices, many states would set the bar so low that they may as well not even bother offering education in the first place.
FLjeffrey says
This is the guy who didn’t believe that Politcal Science was a thing.
slob-marley says
These dipshits just jonesing for a return to the pioneer days.
EffingBarbas says
Lowering university admittance standards, not giving students grades, everybody advances to the next grade level, depreciating the value of SAT/ ACT scores, not celebrating National Merit Scholarship Finalists so other students won’t feel bad, basing college admission quotas on race/ ethnicity (no Asians) instead of merit, the downward spiral of standardized testing scores in public education, etc. etc. etc.
Something has to change. Is this the direction? Don’t know. We need to have a serious conversation about education placing value on achievements, desiring success and competing to be the best instead of settling for mediocrity. Perhaps this is the start point because the USA will continue to fall further behind the rest of the world.
joanne122597 says
our standards for education were far higher when the feds stayed out of it. leave it up to the states, or better yet the counties, to decide whats best for their particular students. the past 40 years has done nothing but dumb down our kids.
MenloMo says
Fuck this guy.
YomiKuzuki says
Mmmm, not really satire considering Republicans have been trying to (and sadly succeeding in) lowering education standards throughout the country for decades now.
CustosEcheveria says
Impotent flailing from a lame duck House. Yawn.
churrmander says
You do that and there’s (almost) absolutely nothing stopping California from adopting education standards from real first world countries.
MofuckaJones14 says
Fortunately for him, the voters he’s looking to appease already lack reading and comprehension skills.
Unfortunately for the rest of us, Republicans want the rest of the country to be just as uneducated as their voters are.
I know we likely won’t see them in this sub since they don’t stray far from the echo chambers, but I can only imagine the laughable defense conservative voters have for this bill.
Blahblkusoi says
YEEEHAW Let’s do it. Them WOKE academic types told me I don’t read good. That’ll show em.
skedeebs says
Some districts really enjoy their representatives braying at the moon.
Schiffy94 says
Yep I’m sure the Dem majority in the Senate will get *right* on passing that, Tommy.
thetyler83 says
So if the dept does get abolished would that nullify all of the outstanding federal student loans?