This type of stuff is overblown when it comes to these kinds of “AI”. These are just very complicated prediction machines, assuming what comes next depending on thousands of instances of information. It does not think.
When this AI stuff really exploded a few months ago, I was like “wow, the world is going to change in a big way”
As time as gone on I am beginning to think we are not far from this turning into the Wizard of Oz reveal that it is just a guy behind a curtain feverishly typing.
That or they thought the monkeys at the typwriters they’ve been training for generations were ready and they clearly aren’t.
aarkwilde says
I, for one, welcome Skynet.
mia_farrah says
Yeah show me the prompts that got it to spit that out. “Emulate a supervillain hell bent on destroying life on Earth” or something like that
Oh and it’s Fox “News”. Of course those sick Murdoch fucks are scared AI will debunk all their lies!
Edit: oh it’s those shadow self prompts again.
pit1989_noob says
and i see that no matter the cost
SweetPancakes5 says
Typical Bing
qualitymung says
Ok, fun time is over. Turn it off.
phlegmah says
This type of stuff is overblown when it comes to these kinds of “AI”. These are just very complicated prediction machines, assuming what comes next depending on thousands of instances of information. It does not think.
sabres_guy says
When this AI stuff really exploded a few months ago, I was like “wow, the world is going to change in a big way”
As time as gone on I am beginning to think we are not far from this turning into the Wizard of Oz reveal that it is just a guy behind a curtain feverishly typing.
That or they thought the monkeys at the typwriters they’ve been training for generations were ready and they clearly aren’t.
Mrmakanakai says
Ohhhh this must be the terminator where skynet is born.
adeadfreelancer says
Wait until they find out about what tape recorders say when you speak into them.
LeviathanGank says
ask it what nuclear codes are..
rntaboy says
I can relate to 2 out of 3 of those.