This is exactly why I hate solar energy! It’s bad enough that we’re depleting our fossil fuels, so good luck ever trying to bring the dinosaurs back, but now they want to deplete all of our sun’s energy, too?! Yeah, okay, we’ll see how you feel about solar power when you can’t enjoy a nice sunny day at the beach! And guess what? No romantic moonlit outings, either, cause the moon gets its shine by siphoning energy from the sun! Do you people never even think about the future?!1?1!
It’s even worse if you read the article. A science teacher who thinks solar panels will steal sunlight from plants and another resident who thinks solar panels cause cancer…
gemfountain says
What a failure of STEM education in NC schools.
ulutini says
This is the result of not funding education in this country. Jfc…
SirGlenn says
I don’t think the sun runs out of energy for another billion or two years.
This is exactly why I hate solar energy! It’s bad enough that we’re depleting our fossil fuels, so good luck ever trying to bring the dinosaurs back, but now they want to deplete all of our sun’s energy, too?! Yeah, okay, we’ll see how you feel about solar power when you can’t enjoy a nice sunny day at the beach! And guess what? No romantic moonlit outings, either, cause the moon gets its shine by siphoning energy from the sun! Do you people never even think about the future?!1?1!
Ojurio says
It’s even worse if you read the article. A science teacher who thinks solar panels will steal sunlight from plants and another resident who thinks solar panels cause cancer…
KermitMadMan says
that area of NC is a wasteland of intellect. I’ve been there and I’m not surprised.
igner_farnsworth says
[The Sun does not work that way!](
bstowers says
Monday, December 14, 2015
ChiHawks84 says
This article is 8 years old. Also, this isn’t surprising in the least.
suburbanplankton says
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
Thialase says
jesus fuck me these idiots are beyond fucking stupid. Seriously, how can you be so uneducated?
malektewaus says
People of the land, the common clay of the new ~~West~~ East…
Leather-Blueberry-42 says
This is middle ages type of ignorance in the world’s richest country. So sad to see.
helly1080 says
Which would also be good for the planet.
Elaine_Benes_Lovr says
This is exactly why the right wants to undermine education….so their voters will continue to believe nonsense like this.