“We can’t find employees because we aren’t willing to pay people enough that they can afford to work here, so we’re using underpaid child labor instead.
>There’s an emphasis on having fun but also on how to contribute to a community. Staff are encouraged to support local causes with both their tips and their newly acquired skills.
>”We donated to the Eugowra flood crisis using staff tips,” Ms Brooker said.
Or, you know, you could do that with some of the profit you’re making off of the kids.
SaxyOmega90125 says
“We can’t find employees because we aren’t willing to pay people enough that they can afford to work here, so we’re using underpaid child labor instead.
“And we’re going to *advertise it*.”
Man, you can’t make this shit up.
BaltimoreBadger23 says
Wow, this is actually presented as wholesome…
VicRambo says
I feel like im taking crazy pills.
Pk1Still says
Trying to jam as much labor into the lives of this kids as they can.
grizzlby says
So this is disgusting…
n3m37h says
When is this gonna show up on friendly jordies?
Dyslexic_Dog25 says
“we only have 200 people in our town… BETTER OPEN A BIG FACTORY!!!” – Morons
Lemur_H says
*Excuse me, are y’all with the cult?*
Hayred says
> We donated to the Eugowra flood crisis using staff tips
They *what*
nyuhokie says
>There’s an emphasis on having fun but also on how to contribute to a community. Staff are encouraged to support local causes with both their tips and their newly acquired skills.
>”We donated to the Eugowra flood crisis using staff tips,” Ms Brooker said.
Or, you know, you could do that with some of the profit you’re making off of the kids.
TKDbeast says
Fuck all of that shit.
cyrixlord says
im confused. is this supposed to be a ‘feel good story’ or another ‘sad state of affairs’ story
pengouin85 says
Slave labor by any other name
DoctorGreyscale says
Child labor! Of course! Why didn’t we think of it sooner?
rushbabe2112 says
We’re going back to the gilded age people, no schooling for your kids just work.