I’m a (soon to be) licensed mental health provider with an admittedly limited understanding of the US health insurance markets. Aside from my professional interests in the topic as it relates to mental healthcare, I’m also really interested in learning about the changes from pre- to post-Obamacare reform, how the US system operates in comparison to other systems around the globe, and different proposals for changing the US healthcare system and how this might impact different populations, costs, access, etc. I’m willing to dig into some heavy reading, as long as it starts from the ground up. Does anyone know of any good sources or (ideally) any good books on this topic?
Winston_Hitler: Upvoted because somebody wants to learn something sensible for once
grayswandir24: I’d recommend:
Reinventing American Health Care, by Zeke Emanuel
The Social Transformation of American Medicine by Paul Starr
OptimisticRadio: Check out the series called Healthcare triage on YouTube, it’s run by a healthcare services researcher and doctor Aaron Carrol. He has a playlist on this channel in the same style of the crash course series that tackles these issues you wanna learn. The blog he writes on called ‘the incidental economist’ is also worth checking out.