Whenever I take a photo whether by myself or in a group I look like Mr. Bean’s passport photo
Please send help
Bl4nkface: Remember something stupid that never fails to make you laugh. It can be something that happened you, a GIF you saw on Reddit or whatever. Remember it, laugh a little bit and maintain that general expression.
TheRodgerizer: This might feel weird to you, but try to practice in the mirror once in a while untill you are satisfied with your smile.
speelabeep: Photog here. Here’s the golden trick: Do a ridiculously fake laugh right before the picture. Right after you’re done faking laughing, you will have perfect, genuine smile.
MaggiPi: I like giving some of these things to google. In this case, i looked for ways to smile better for pictures and ways to make yourself look better in photos (generally). Here are two of the better links i came across. Hope they help:
PartDigital: I have a friend who is a portrait photographer and one trick he told me (and it’s pretty silly) was that he would instruct his subjects make monkey noises and gestures right before he took their photos. I’m not kidding.
It’s super silly but he would get genuine smiles every time.
tjls13: Learn to practice smiling with your eyes. Once you get it down, the mouth part comes naturally.
Heesker: The best advice I got once on this topic was to think about a person that always makes you smile, who ever it may be… a good friend, your crush, a funny actor..works for me every time :3
makiichinose: Look at the camera as if you know something they don’t.