in323: I feel like it would be better left unpainted
Either way – wow!
chainsawwizard: I hereby forfeit my username.
SeeBZedBoy: I kept expecting him to bring out smaller and smaller “detailing” chainsaws.
MrNimble: Its simple, you just start with a big block of wood and carve away anything that doesnt look like Elvis.
sviviani: Serious question. Is this basically just like ice carving but with wood? Either way wow that’s impressive.
scrapper: Ain’t nothin’ but a ground log.
Kaylo1999: You sure that’s not Wayne Newton?
TitleJones: Wonder what that sells for?
Niguelito: ASTOUNDING!
project-xeon: I cannot believe how talented some humans are! I have no skills or valuable attributes.
It looked far more superior unpainted.
Regardless this man really is talented..
Throwaway__ac: I wonder how long it took in real time.
SeaHarg: The skill of the small cuts to carve out ears and eyes are amazing! I wish I could do this
diveboydive: Wood ya look at that!
gg249: mongoloid elvis
yinz_guyz: Why did he cover up Elvis’ famous giant face mole?
making_mischief: Latest Elvis spotting: under a chainsaw in the middle of a forest.
unthused: Not real sure what to make of this video, but I guess it’s relevant:
nolasagne: For a while there it looked like it was going to be, “Sculpting Richard “John-Boy” Thomas” with a chainsaw.
leedeebee: I would also argue this could be Conway Twitty partway through the process. This is awesome
Kibbysh: Is there a subreddit with similar stuff
cardboardpunk: I thought it was going to be fat elvis at first.
CliffRacer17: Elvis or Christopher Walken?
runkat426: How long does the carving take?
xxSpeedsterxx: Elvis hair maybe
smkn3kgt: Chainsaw Johnny Bravo
megaschnitzel: His neighbours hate him
spookdoozy: Imagine being a tree getting cut down only to be turned into a tribute to Elvis
flexofreek: If you’re going to post a two and a half minutes gif, just post the source video, it’ll look better.