sdflius: That’s multiple time world champion formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton with a tiger he is well acquainted with. (he’s known the tiger since she was just a cub). The tiger is part of a rescue center that has been criticized for being part of a tourist play rather than being a legitimate rescue operation.
TheOtherTeufourt: Heehee. The tigers like “ahhhh you guys got me!”
SirGarryGalavant: Calvin and Hobbes: the later years
superwang88r6: The tiger was just relieved it wasn’t Mike Tyson
SquirrelCantHelpIt: Aren’t you supposed to catch them by the toe? I believe I read some sort of training document that recommended that method.
IIRC, you are only supposed to release the hold if the tiger makes a loud noise to indicate discomfort.
Little_Baby_Steam: He oofed
questionguess: Ha! He thinks it was funny
BaKdGoOdZ0203: That’s just asking for death.
LukeKing313: No matter the size, a cat will always be a cat.
514X0r: The video:
Someone linked me to it this morning.
wreck94: That’s a good tiger 🙂
You can see it’s head move a couple times when the person takes steps, the tiger knew it was being followed and decided that instead of jumping around to maul whatever was behind it, it knew it was amongst friends and let the human creep up
seluryar: Fren, U giv me a heckin frighten.
User_Name_Option: This is Lewis Hamilton. World Champion Formula 1 Driver 2017!
I don’t like tiger tourism I think.
IceColdInferno: Lewis: he hit me! The tiger hit me. Let Charlie know the Tiger hit me.
Hurkk: Did he catch it by the toe?
Axetheaxemaster: SO CUTE!!!
JMile69: I’m pretty sure “tigers” are pretty high on my list of “things not to fuck with”. Somewhere in the vicinity of Wu Tang Clan; I’ll check my list when I get home.
Foxy_Cleopatraa: It’s cute how the tiger’s ears flip backwards right before the guy touches her.
sunderw33: Nope. No thanks.
JimJobJugger: I didn’t know tigers played soccer
hapibanana: That’s Lewis, right?
nettlebee: “Look at me, walking all stealth-like.”
“Wait a second…did I just hear something?”
“Hahaha, oh Tim, you got me so good.”
noovek: thats Lewis Hamilton. if he’s not afraid to drive at those speeds, his not gonna be afraid to sneak up on a tiger. madlad
Mellowturtlle: I remember this one from back when it was still HD
HoustonWelder: Aaagh, ya got me!
uglyassvirgin: tigers look so fun to play with
bertphoenix: “Catch a tiger by the …hips”!?
donrane: Tiger is deaf iirc
piekarnew1: I did that once to my house cat. She bunny kicked the hell out of me. Still have scars on my hands. And if this cat bunny kicked, would probably open rib cage.
outjet: I like how the natural instinct is to flip onto their backside so they can claw the shit out of you.
reddog6325: Hahaha that tiger said “DAWWWW you got me”
What tremendous testicles you have, sir.
Lost-Causes: Calvin finally got the jump on Hobbes
roll1_smoke1: That submissive roll over at the very end! I really want to be friends with a tiger one day.
PhillyHumor: My tiger just eats people when they sneak up on him!
lexiember: The tiger looks like it’s been declawed and also Lewis Hamilton shouldn’t be touching a tiger.
10010101: You know when the girl is laughing of pleasure in avatar..i hear her voice each time the tiger recognize the human.
SAMURAIXY: “Hes in back of me isnt he?”
tgw1986: aww kitty [gave you a pass by not mauling you to death]!!😻
api10: I was hoping this time the tiger would eat him
kylaorozco15: they’re literally house cats
zillamom: Aghhh you got me!
Jazzdaddy66: Well he got lucky he didn’t turn into tiger food right there!!!!!!
TheRetroVideogamers: Eeny meeny miney moe…
lsdinc: that tiger looks drugged. Its reactions are very slow
DDO39: Is there a version where the tiger creeps up behind him??
SKmaric: Ⓨ Sneakstrike
Real_Earthworm_Jim: I love that he’s looking back like “ah you lil’ fxcker you got me! :’D”
vdoubleu1: The most dangerous game
fortyandablunt666: Reeeeeeepost
BurgundyBanana: “cats always land on their feet”
IamGummibar: Tiger: “ha ha ha, you got me”
malcor88: *Checks sub name* it’s ok
Yu-Jeen: I laughed out loud like a baby…wasn’t it supposed to attack him?
58working: You can see the tiger pause and pull it’s ears back before contact is made. It was playing along :3.
faced88: Looks like the tiger is laughing after the scare
RacistPony: Lol i was expecting her to completely flip out like cats do.
andreslucero: Tigerologists, how likely is it a domesticated tiger will rip my ass to shreds?
pendarnews: Oh, nice animal, like a cat, is this dangerous ? i cant believe!