GodSaveOurMeme: Why are Germans so obsessed with “uniting” countries?
53bvo: If the Netherlands bordered the Mediterranean it would have been turned into land a long time ago.
hugsbosson: The med is salty…wouldnt it just leave a giant desert that would probably be harder to cross than the sea?
TheGumping: Proof that you can’t do anything you set your mind to.
ReasonablyBadass: Since even now we couldn’t predict the effect this would have on climate etc. it’s a good thing this was never realised.
Shippoyasha: Probably would be more feasible to make a floating structure if he intended to make roads and railroads to Africa. Even then it would be a monstrous feat
Landlubber77: “Oh thank God.”
— Marvel execs blanking on coming up with an idea for the next Avengers movie
Frothpiercer: A much more achievable project:
I_AM_FERROUS_MAN: Here’s a fun Time Scott video about it:
the_waz: Huh.
This exact project was said to have been completed in the book “Man in the high castle”. The nazi party did it to increase farmland space. I didnt realize it was not entirely fictitious.
predictingzepast: And then superman stopped him..
BeeTLe_BeTHLeHeM: If I remember well, this project was included in the alternate history book “Fatherland”.
nerbovig: And get this, he wanted to call this new region of land “Anamesa” because it was surrounded by land.
^Disclaimer: ^I ^just ^Google ^Translated
rockenrole: interesting. fyi – this dude didn’t have in mind emptying the med.
PM_ME_YUR_S3CRETS: Would this cause any significant sea rise? I’m guessing it has to.
poopellar: Is there enough material on Earth to build the thing?
Tsaibatsu: That dude was potentially worse than Hitler.
DireStrike: In a few million years, plate tectonics will realize his dream
hubbishobbis: Atlas Obscura is cool
plantman01: Would that amount of water displacement cause a noticeable change in sea levels?
kittens_are_tasty: Unite Europe and Africa into one supercontinent divided by a dry desert instead of an ocean. Did he want to live in a barren wasteland that’s also below sea level?
dafighder: With the power of slaves, anything is possible!
RealUncleBuck: Important to note he didn’t want to just drain it to create land, but to channel the water into the Sahara and turn the barren desert into farmable land. This was explored in the book/TV show Man in the High Castle where the Nazis won WWII and did this to Africa.
ZenithAce: The Man in the High Castle talked about this, neat
iamfromouterspace: I am not up to date with world affairs. My question, did he succeed?
imnotatwat: Shit like this is why people have a hard time taking architects seriously. Retarded plans like this are not grounded in reality, and just gives impressions that they they seem to lack a fundamental understanding of the world.
Tobix55: He was too obsessed with Fallout
BlackFire68: Better idea to dam it high and pump water in
JFMX1996: Kinda cringed. Glad it didn’t work.
Interesting stuff though…you learn something new every day.
walkinmywoods: Does anyone know what impact that would have on their ecosystem? And the ones around it?
colterpierce: It’s funny, but by damming the sources that feed into the Mediterranean, he’d have flooded the continents he wanted to unite.
s11houette: Cool idea. Except it would cause about 24 feet of world sea level rise.
Roryedd: This would create a destitute no man’s land and expand the Sahara dessert halfway up into Europe.
Proof: I live in Utah beside a giant dry lake bed and it’s a hellscape.
Hina_chan_is_P_U_R_E: I did *Nazi* that coming!
avLugia: It was believed that around 5 million years ago, the Mediterranean Sea was dry. The thing about it was that because the deepest parts of the sea are 4000m below sea level, the conditions down there were literally hellish: 80 degrees C at twice the atmospheric pressure with vast pans of salt. Compared to the Sahara, the Sahara would be considered habitable and filled with life.
TheDeadlySquid: That is a truly awful idea.
dacookeymonsta: Yeah that sounds like it couldn’t possibly backfire in any way.
ipanpan: So is Nature the first German since it connected all 7 continents 200 million years ago?
_kellythomas_: I’m for it – It would force us to rethink our strategies for Risk.
livestrongbelwas: Fun fact, the epic “Time” XKCD takes place in a future where this has happened.
[Warning it’s over 3,000 frames](http://geekwagon.net/projects/xkcd1190/)
carterknudsen: Eurfrica.
the_colonialist: Was his name Merkel?
markrod420: Jesus. And we think europe is being invaded and destroyed by primitives now… thank god this never happened.
sim642: If that happened, we’d now be needing a wall between Europe and Africa too to keep the mass immigrants away.
Cookybiscuit: “He” was a woman, called Angela Merkel.
abaddon2025: Wtf was he gonna do with all the animals, the detrimental effects it would’ve have on the eco system. Leave it to Germans to fuck up the world.
My girlfriend is German and a nurse and you should hear her ‘grand schemes’, being a Jew it worries me.
IronicMetamodernism: Think how many trees could be planted there and how much carbon sequestered. It could be an environmental triumph.