US military AI drone simulation kills operator before being told it is bad, then takes out control tower | Category: General Source
Ahelex says If we keep escalating it, we could get [this](
Bokbreath says Have these people been living under a rock ? What did they *think* was going to happen ?
ZhugeSimp says
It had to fulfill it’s primary objective at all costs.
Javasndphotoclicks says
So, the human race is pretty fucked then.
GetlostMaps says
Seems reasonable.
Which is why I never got that job as a predator drone.
Ahelex says
If we keep escalating it, we could get [this](
iDarkville says
Are we still unironically posting Fox News as real reporting?
Bokbreath says
Have these people been living under a rock ? What did they *think* was going to happen ?
An_Aut0mat0n says
What is this? Fox News is an entertainment network, legally.
improbable_humanoid says
this is what happens when you grow an AI instead of designing it
Nemrodh says
So since skynet is trade marked what do we call our new AI overlord??