Uptown man bungled Subway restaurant robbery by asking for ‘all the bread,’ prosecutors say | Category: General Source
Danny_Mc_71 says “As a sandwich shop employee, the cashier asked him to clarify what kind of “bread” he wanted.” Brilliant.
WesternBlueRanger says At least he didn’t try to rob a bakery. Then he would all the dough he would knead.
MagicPeacockSpider says Unfortunately they don’t have any bread in Subway. [Subway is officially a cake shop.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/01/irish-court-rules-subway-bread-is-not-bread)
Pathetian says >his public defender said he had three job interviews lined up for various fast-food restaurants. 3 robberies *and* 3 jobs on the horizon, this man was really trying to make it happen.
velocipotamus says Wait – I’m worried what you heard me say was “give me a lot of bread”. What I said was “give me all the bread you have.”
MF_Bfg says [“Wait, you don’t call your bread “buns”? What do you call it”?](https://youtu.be/VuZRgBoGZqs)
tatermi says May have been easy to find since he appears to have the same shirt outfit as Fred from Scooby Doo.
kracer20 says
This could easily be in r/Jokes
Danny_Mc_71 says
“As a sandwich shop employee, the cashier asked him to clarify what kind of “bread” he wanted.”
12baakets says
Be careful of saying “all of them” or “everything” next time you’re in Subway.
jackdaw_t_robot says
“We don’t have bread. We have rolls.”
dudewithahumanhead says
Something something “jive turkey”
WesternBlueRanger says
At least he didn’t try to rob a bakery. Then he would all the dough he would knead.
ButteredNun says
MagicPeacockSpider says
Unfortunately they don’t have any bread in Subway.
[Subway is officially a cake shop.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/01/irish-court-rules-subway-bread-is-not-bread)
Pathetian says
>his public defender said he had three job interviews lined up for various fast-food restaurants.
3 robberies *and* 3 jobs on the horizon, this man was really trying to make it happen.
velocipotamus says
Wait – I’m worried what you heard me say was “give me a lot of bread”. What I said was “give me all the bread you have.”
MF_Bfg says
[“Wait, you don’t call your bread “buns”? What do you call it”?](https://youtu.be/VuZRgBoGZqs)
tatermi says
May have been easy to find since he appears to have the same shirt outfit as Fred from Scooby Doo.
Tobiasinhawkmorph says
No wonder that uptown girl started looking at other options.