So first an admission or 2. So I do not have kids of my own, and I grew up in the Very Early days of the web.
That out of the way, the people in my life who have kids (who care about this) have a real simple policy….computers live in common family spaces, and at least one parental unit is either in said space or near enough to hear hijinks when kiddies are on computers.
As far as I am concerned that is how one keeps kids off porn sites. It Should Not be the government’s concern IMO. As for restricting adults from pr0n, who really GAF!? So long as all performers in said films are consenting and of legal age who the fuck cares.
>The company [PornHub] said in its view **age-verification should take place “on the device”** – in other words parental controls on phones and computers that stop children from accessing pornography.
BeYourself2021 says
Doesn’t surprise me. The UK seems to be one of the most uptight places on earth *barf*
69_queefs_per_sec says
I have a few babyfaced friends who are 25-28 years old but get asked for ID at bars because they look 16ish. How the fuck is this acceptable?
Emotional_Fruit_8735 says
-*opens google images*
-*pc flashes picture and I’m blinded*
-*police arrive, (I hadn’t shown my id)*
TheTigerInTheHouse says
I saw this Black Mirror episode. It didn’t end well.
PersKarvaRousku says
Oi mate, you got a loicence for the naughty pics?
SpookyLilRaven says
If we don’t scan everyone’s faces, a couple teenagers might explode because they saw sex.
Jokes aside, this would be garbage for anyone with a “baby face” or any condition that makes your face appear younger.
GazelleAcrobatics says
It’s a pirates life for me. Arggh
Summoned_Autism says
good luck trying to enforce this lmfao
Sach1el says
Ah, going forward with the V for Vendetta timeline, I see.
thisistheSnydercut says
I’m sure the BBC would love a few pictures of horney 13 year olds trying to access porn
meanderthal54 says
George Orwell spinning in his grave, because he didn’t predict regulated wanking.
LindblumFox says
Watch me wank. It’ll be more traumatic for you than me.
Screamingholt says
So first an admission or 2. So I do not have kids of my own, and I grew up in the Very Early days of the web.
That out of the way, the people in my life who have kids (who care about this) have a real simple policy….computers live in common family spaces, and at least one parental unit is either in said space or near enough to hear hijinks when kiddies are on computers.
As far as I am concerned that is how one keeps kids off porn sites. It Should Not be the government’s concern IMO. As for restricting adults from pr0n, who really GAF!? So long as all performers in said films are consenting and of legal age who the fuck cares.
axw3555 says
This won’t happen. They’ve been trying to implement this kinda thing for the whole of their term in office. It’s failed every time.
It’ll be one of those “appeal to the base but never have to do it” policies. All they’re trying to do is lose fewer seats at election.
budroid says
>The company [PornHub] said in its view **age-verification should take place “on the device”** – in other words parental controls on phones and computers that stop children from accessing pornography.
I strongly agree.