It’s all due to a mistranslation because of English not being his first language. It’s not “Suck my tongue”.
The correct phrase in Tibetan for this joke is “Che le sa”, which roughly translates to “Eat my tongue.” English is the Dalai Lama’s second language and it’s well known that he speaks broken English at public events.
This display of affection was born out of a game played between the Tibetan elderly and children. Kids who go up to their grandfather, for instance, are asked to kiss their grandfather’s forehead, touch their noses and kiss them.
Then the grandfather says that I’ve given you everything so the only thing left is for you to eat my tongue.
This whole thing is a cultural misunderstanding based on a mistranslation.
ithaqua34 says
The Dali Llama’s New Clothes.
Kayback2 says
Jesus just go with ” it was a bad joke that didn’t land, sorry”. Anything else is clearly bullshit.
funwithdesign says
Dig a man a hole and he’ll put his foot in it. Give a man a shovel and he’ll dig himself deeper.
amewingcat says
Just like all those catholic priests…
Dr-Retz says
I’m calling bullshit.Just like that pope,they’re both humans.
MrPunkerton says
Sooo… When you’re above sensorial pleasures but you still creepy AF?
JosephMeach says
So you consider children sucking tongue to be a sensorial pleasure, not better
ugheffoff says
Ok then, why did he do it? What did he hope to gain from it? What was his end goal?
If it wasn’t for sexual pleasure, then explain the purpose.
Tonyhillzone says
It’s all due to a mistranslation because of English not being his first language. It’s not “Suck my tongue”.
The correct phrase in Tibetan for this joke is “Che le sa”, which roughly translates to “Eat my tongue.” English is the Dalai Lama’s second language and it’s well known that he speaks broken English at public events.
This display of affection was born out of a game played between the Tibetan elderly and children. Kids who go up to their grandfather, for instance, are asked to kiss their grandfather’s forehead, touch their noses and kiss them.
Then the grandfather says that I’ve given you everything so the only thing left is for you to eat my tongue.
This whole thing is a cultural misunderstanding based on a mistranslation.
Lost-in-EDH says
Jeffery Epstein, Prince Andrew, and the Dalai Lama walk into a bar…
NotARobotSpider says
Every time I manage to forget this extremely gross story, another Reddit thread appears on it
Honest-Day9595 says
Here is more background:
TheShroudedWanderer says
Yeah, and catholic priests are bastions of morality and free of temptation, lets see how that turned out.
jmenendeziii says
It’s a problem w religion as a whole, ppl do weird shit and justify it w religion
colombo1326 says
The man is human period. Humans do and say nasty shit, he is not a god he is just a dirty old man