Sorcatarius: Dedinitely the better choice of the two.
atpeas: No one ever said “man we had the best time sitting around on the porch smoking cigarettes!” – some Doug Benson thing
Sorceress683: A good choice- I think that the marijuana might have helped to calm the cravings and withdrawal
FordyceFoxtrot: Any place I see Willie mentioned, I share this story:
About fifteen years ago, I was working the overnight shift in a Denny’s in Northern California. On a random weeknight, a grey Chevy van with no windows pulled into the parking lot, and out came about 8 dudes, all with long hair, leather jackets, beards, just some old hippies.
The place was completely empty, so I advised the guys they could sit wherever they wanted. The smell of BO and pot was so thick it stung the back of my throat.
When the guys sat down, I recognized one of them as none other than Willie Nelson. I didn’t get starstruck or anything, just took their drink orders, came back, got their normal orders.
When I brought their food over, everybody got real quiet, and as I’m handing out the various food, Willie asked, “Youngin’, do you know who I am?” I said, “Yes sir.”
He asked, “Then who am I?” I stated he was Willie Nelson, and, as my dad was a massive Willie Nelson fan and I had grown up to his music, named a few of his hits. He smiled and said, “That’s right. Now, do you like jokes? I’m gonna tell you a joke.”
For the next 30 minutes, I stood at that massive table with 8 stoned, stinking hippies, while Willie told a joke in about the slowest fashion a person could, pausing to take a bite, chew, and swallow. And it was a joke to which I already knew the punchline.
The joke is this:
A duck walks into a bar, hops up on the barstool, on the bar, waddles up to the bartender and asks, “You got any grapes?” “No,” says the bartender. The duck turns around, hops down, and waddles out. The next day, the duck walks into the bar, hops up on the barstool, on the bar, waddles up to the bartender and asks, “You got any grapes?” “No,” says the bartender. The duck turns around, hops down, and waddles out.The next day, the duck walks into the bar, hops up on the barstool, on the bar, waddles up to the bartender and asks angrily, “YOU GOT ANY GRAPES?” “No,” says the bartender, “and if you come in here again asking for grapes, I’m gonna nail your feet to that bar.” The next day, the duck walks into the bar, hops up on the barstool, on the bar, waddles up to the bartender and asks very quietly, “You got any nails?” The bartender starts to talk, says, “N-” “THEN YOU GOT ANY GRAPES?!”
ftwtidder: You don’t have to smoke marijuana to get high
No_one_Knows_Panda: Ugh, the amount of misinformation in this thread is crazy. I’m out.
TooShiftyForYou: *”I had gotten up to two, maybe three, packs a day. My lungs were bothering me and I’d had pneumonia two or three times. I was also smoking pot, and I decided, well, one of them’s gotta go. So I took a pack of Chesterfields and took all the Chesterfields out, rolled up 20 big fat ones and put them in there, and I haven’t smoked a cigarette since then.”*
84 year-old Willie Nelson is living evidence about how dangerous marijuana is.
name_not_shown: I’m glad he actually quit and wasn’t just blowing smoke
Carocrazy132: This is not surprising idk why this is front page.
Improvised_: Glad I got a notification for this
saucygit: Duh
Killer_Queen69: I find that when I smoke weed, I crave cigs a lot more. Idk why. Any other smokers have this issue?
BossingtonDC: No shit.
nakedvagina: Smoking either is still bad for your lungs
ShoutyCrackers: You don’t have to smoke pot to get high. It’s the smoking part that’s bad for you.
SuperBadassMofo: Good for him, this cuntry can suck a fat D with it’s stupid drug laws.
dyslexicProton: Wow
Cheaper in the long run.
A wise Wille choice.
PM_ME_ALL_OF_REDDIT: why word it to make is seem like the cause was both instead of pointing instead to tobacco being the only (scientifically proven) unhealthy act mentioned?
as if it were “these things are both killing me equally so one must go”….
sadsapman: same
Myrsephone: Oh boy, another weed circlejerk! DAE get high literally every single day? Man I couldn’t imagine going even one day without pot! Addiction? Haha, no fam you don’t get it, weed’s not addictive, it even cures cancer!
RareUnicorn: Just goes to show how addictive marijuana i(/s)!!!!!
Ban weeds and legalize tobacco for kids!
Ok Marlboro where’s my money?
ItsKai: Like I don’t have issues with those who do smoke weed but it is really sad how people brag about smoking and want to let everyone know they are high as fuck and what they brought. Like drunk people don’t annoy me as much because you don’t seem them bragging about being drunk. And often times they are fun. Potheads are the type who are annoying as fuck because they usually come off as stupid as fuck when high.
aigroti: I’m surprise there’s no circle joke about Snoop Dogg saying Willie Nelson was the only person he met who could out smoke him and then the inevitable: “hey guys, guess this is going to be the next TIL! hurr hurr!”
ratmon: Should have quit both, may still be alive. Weed is terrible for you no matter what stoners on here say