satanicpuppy: Pirate software was way different back in the day. People showed up with that shit on floppies with labels written in blurry magic marker.
Zazool: Also back then anti-piracy measures were more effective in someway because some games required information from the manual.
If you ever played Master of Orion after the first year, it gives you a screen of ships and you have a pick out a specific one that changes each time or you just lose.
guitmusic12: And that’s when they knew… they had to have him design a pirate game.
robotzor: “Congratulations, you’re a normal human being that unabashedly pirates software without making an attempt to hide it. That shows mental stability. You’ve got the job”
Nugatorysurplusage: Ballblaster > Ballblazer
Lamontyy: I just came here to plug Psychonauts.
Retardedclownface: What a great Atari game.
KittyPitty: Aaaaaand I have [this song]( in my head. 🙂
FollyBeachSC: Oops!
ElonComedy: I read it as Ballbuster.