thesouthernbeard: This guy has to be the most stormtrooper of all the stormtroopers.
leadchipmunk: [He also later became very strong in the dark side.](
bolanrox: Wonton? Oh that silly Georgie
Gobias_Industries: Timing-wise, that seems pretty absurd.
Shippoyasha: Tried for Wanten Destruction
drunknumber2: If I remember correctly, there was a post on here not that long ago from one of his relatives saying he had passed away…
kayamon: According to whom? He’s not even a named character in the credits of the movie.
Snakeyez: I thought the head bump was an accident they left in ’cause it was funny.
Edit: Here’s one version of the story from he guy himself supposedly.
ArghThisIsAnnoying: [He had a long running side job too](
SheMcD: A male human, Wanten had a thick trunk, beady blue eyes, and a Corellian nose that made it difficult to wear a stormtrooper helmet comfortably. By 34 ABY, he was bald, and his once-athletic body had turned fat.[1]
According to his subordinate Sardis Ramsin, Wanten would often say everything twice.[2]
brianw824: later he exploded with the death star. All round it was a bad week.
Lokarin: This seems extremely unlikely based on the on screen timeline of the movie. There’s a very small window of opportunity for a ship to arrive offscreen before the Death Star sets course to Yavin.
On the flip side, if there’s a significant amount of off screen time while they are hiding and thinking of a plan then it checks out.
fubarspeaks: Do the other troopers use his name as an example of messing up?
“Damn, you really wantened that one, didn’t you?”
AKA-Destinova: TIL some pointless bs.
Arknell: As an operator, he was found wanten.
Helyos17: I really hope he got transferred off the Deathstar before it was destroyed…..
jumpsteadeh: Yeah, someone just made that up. It’s probably different actors in the suits.
occamsrzor: Ho…how?!
He just happened to leave Tatooine minutes after that encounter and arrive at his new duty post on the secret Death Star shortly before our hero’s come out of hyperspace at Alderan?
SuiteSwede: Wait wait wait, I’m sensing a plot hole in the OT. If THAT is the trooper who got mind tricked about the droids: HOW did he get to the Death Star before the Millennium Falcon if he was Stationed in Tatooine???
Dahorah: Wait wait WAIT. It’s in the NEW Canon that this is the case, AND that decades later he is in the First Order?
Wow. And I though Disney blew up the EU to get RID of crappy fanfic canon like that…
Nevvermind183: Giving him a name is retcon. I’m not into this all.
AdvocateSaint: Obi Wanten Obi
Burgertr0n: Poor Wanten is all brain damaged
Pigeoncatz: No one talks about the after effects of jedi mind tricks
aerostotle: I’ve always Wanten to know that
Tairy__Green: “Duhhhhh… also he’s Rey’s father”= Wookiepedia
Siriacus: Wanten Devastation.
f1shermark1: I’m gonna get the paper, get the paper.
patronsaintofrandom: You have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found Wanten.
glavinitis: Does he come from a planet of people who believe they’re slightly shorter than they actually are?
CowboyFlipflop: He kept Wanten a promotion but they kept denying him for his Wanten incompetence.
improbable_humanoid: Uh….no. Just, no.