BabacheePhD: …everyday, for the rest of their lives.
matt2001: It looks like coffee wins:
>Two physicians were appointed to supervise the experiment and report its finding to the king.[5] Unfortunately, both doctors died, presumably of natural causes, before the experiment was completed.[4] Gustav III, who was assassinated in 1792, also died before seeing the final results. **Of the twins, the tea drinker was the first to die, at age 83; the date of death of the surviving coffee drinker is unknown.**
BalthusChrist: Too bad they weren’t triplets, because then they could have had a control group
GoingBackToKPax: Then when he discovered that they started talking so fast that nobody could understand them he had them burned as witches. /jk
Shippoyasha: They must have known even back then the bad health affects of too much caffeine
Snakeoilsage: The Tea-Twin got drowsy and took a nap while the Coffee-Twin vibrated his particles through his cuffs and escaped.
new_number_one: Death by fika doesn’t work I guess.
marcuschookt: “Coffee is for heathens, give me death!”
Wordwright: Ah yes, the Theater King, who, around the time of the French Revolution, felt the time was ripe to reintroduce an absolute monarchy and was subsequently assassinated at his own masquerade ball.
HoosierProud: What would happen if an inmate on death row bargained to have his life spared so that he could be a test subject for a controversial drug or procedure? I wonder if something like this has happened several times bc I can see ethically the positives and the negatives.
Loki-L: For Science!
maglifter: SCIENCE! 18th century style.
SuddenlyPorno: FRESH POTS
dabPrassion: Covfeefee
glimpsed: So he basically condemned them to an entire day without sleep 😮
Octob2016: I thought Sweden doesn’t have the death penalty