poopellar: Guy who took it probably got a mask with better stats.
kenry: this is interesting, it seems to me like the farmer could have been trying to protect the mask by burying it on his farm.
Jonathan_B_Goode: Fuckin’ Dio. Still trying.
Northernlord1805: Does it turn you into a vampire?
Trap-Queener: IT WAS ME, DIO!
Memebaut: now if we could just find that damn red stone of aja
Anthonys455: JoJos intensifies
blitzen34: That farmer finally discarded his humanity
on Damage Assessment in Babylon
CaptnUchiha: Bringing a post of stone mask to Reddit was a mistake. Prepare yourself, JoJo.
Dragons_Advocate: Digging around a farmer’s patch? For shame! He was trying to grow masks!
Felteair: Are we sure Dio isn’t terrorizing Egypt as we speak?
aartdognaux: You know when ppl are cultured when everyone is on the same page about it being the mask from JoJo’s bizar adventure.
Jojo_Manji: Soldier pointing a gun at the farmer: “Put the mask down now”
*The farmer with his hands trembling,* “… NO! ” *He slapped the mask unto his face.*
*To be continued*
Hydreigonfan01: [Relevant song] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUhVCoTsBaM)
The_Nuclear_Turtle: Was that a fucking jojo reference
Eldirish: Upvoting every comment here that has a jojo reference
MintyTruffle: >A US military mission to recover lost artifacts
Never knew I wanted this movie until now.
derpydude017: I’m glad to see a bunch of JoJo love in this thread.
moreps: I’ll bet he rejects his humanity and tries to take over the world only to be stopped by his adoptive brother then tries again 100 years later but is stopped by his adoptive brothers grandson and great great grandson
stillestwaters: DIOOOOOOOOO!
KalaiProvenheim: Try having someone wear it, throw some blood on it.
MCDownlow: Lot’s of ancient artifacts “went missing” in 2003. In reality, they aren’t missing. They are in the private collections of the uber rich.
FluffMcBuff: Sono chi no sadame
FutureAuthorSummer: Heard a story from my humanities professor about a [break-in at the museum](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/shropshire/4732497.stm). The soldiers guarding the entrance of the museum didn’t stop the robbers and stole various artifacts (including the Harp of Ur). Another soldier saw what was happening and went after the robber and the robber dropped the harp, shattering it.
There’s even a song written about it:
[The Harp of Ur](https://youtu.be/LppxMDGj0K0)
bababayee: Is that a JoJo reference?
goatman2112: Return the slab!
Jerlko: Who knew Frida Kahlo was that old?
-Little-Green-Ghouls: How does the mask react to blood?
meglet: That designation is interesting, the “oldest discovered *accurate* depiction of a human face”. Apparently all older known representations have exaggerated features. I wonder what that means, whether they were exaggerated on purpose or because of some psychological or perception quirk. I’ve read that little kids’ drawings tend to exaggerate the sizes of features like hands or eyes because they are important to the child or to the subject of the specific drawing. ([Here](http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/students/alkhalai/preschema.html) are a few [sources](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Antonio_Roazzi/publication/290325146_Children%27s_family_drawings_and_attachment_A_multidimensional_scaling_approach_to_study_Internal_Working_Models/links/5696252b08ae820ff0755227/Childrens-family-drawings-and-attachment-A-multidimensional-scaling-approach-to-study-Internal-Working-Models.pdf). [This one](https://novakdjokovicfoundation.org/learn-to-decode-childrens-drawings/) claims to help decode children’s drawings.) I didn’t look into the quality of the research behind those conclusions. But it’s fascinating to think about.
I wonder if we can relate the developmental and psychological meaning ascribed to children’s drawings to the evolution of mankind’s artistic representations of themselves and the world around them. Does this piece’s accuracy represent some newly achieved stage in humans’ perception?
I am really just talking out of my ass as I think about this. I’m not familiar with ancient art or childhood development. But anyhow I wonder, would basic clay masks have been an early, casual form of art or play? I can imagine an ancient human playing around with clay mud and figuring out they could make “life masks” by packing a bunch of clay on each others’ faces. The result would naturally be accurate. But those sort of things would not have survived this long, since really only very meaningful, symbolic or ritualistic art is made of lasting material and most lovingly preserved. “Doodles” and experiments wouldn’t be likely to survive.
It’s intriguing to compare the history of mankind’s artistic representations of the human form to the developmental stages of a child’s drawings. Again, I really don’t know what I’m talking about, im just thinking “out loud”. *Could* they correlate?
winstonsmithwatson: I’m pretty sure everyone reads this and reasons that the farmer wanted to keep the mask for himself or sell it for loot – I don’t know much more of the story than the wiki tells me – but I wouldnt be surprised if he buried it because he was afraid the USA would take it away from where it belongs. Maybe from his perspective he hid the artifact from the invader and was doing a heroic deed.
Kwestor86: Needs the Red Stone of Aja
TheAxZim: Jojo’s bizarre adventure season 2 incoming
Danter72: The unibrow is what sells it.
I_are_facepalm: *Starring Jim Carrey*
Gulanga: ITT: Jojo references
K117: [Jojo](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CExXEg-WMAAJ9E8.jpg) is real life