GoredonTheDestroyer: John Cleese is an international treasure.
CaptainOvbious: “But he’s a statue!”
“He got better.”
CherrySlurpee: See, this is a prank. Not punching someone in the face and yelling “it’s a prank, bro”
Sparkplug1034: The relevant section is in the second paragraph of “Early Life”. I couldn’t link the specific section because it has been posted before, for a different piece of trivia.
FXOjafar: John Cleese is amazing. Somehow he made a good living by just being very silly.
Stay silly John! 🙂
gunawa: Ugh, Haig got a statue? Should have gotten demoted and forgotten, the incompetent dinosaur.
coldethel: Somebody did that with the statue of Queen Victoria in Manchester, once. Little, dainty painted footprints all the way from the top of the plinth at one end of Piccadilly Gardens to the ladies loos at the other.
wezli333: I was hoping he scrawled “Romanes eunt domus” all over campus.
sissylala77: From the ministry of silly walks!