altimas: Thats amazing, also sounds like a decent start to a sci fi movie.
TheTalentedAmateur: [It is producing pollen as of 2015](
classy_barbarian: Can someone with some biology background explain how a seed is able to stay dormant for 2000 years? Are seeds technically “alive?”
i_am_the_devil_: Then, they cut it down and made a Live Laugh Love decoration from it.
JasonsBoredAgain: A tree. Huh. This version of Jurassic Park is going straight to DVD.
virtwin7: They couldnt snap a single picture for the article? Was the tree moving too fast or something? Shy?
LegoManiac2000: Up Date : )
Frptwenty: I want someone to make movie where they do that but it’s was the actual tree from Eden, which regrows complete with serpent. Starring Seth Rogen as the serpent.
ahoneybadger3: Pic;
More recent pic;*EHW4G1cAXK3RLt7ifICMQw.jpeg
wiredsim: My great-Uncle found squash seeds in a Indian clay pot that supposedly were carbon dated to about 2000 year ago- turns out they sprouted and are being cultivated now:
kthxplzdrivthru: Didn’t someone discover a bunch of extinct seeds frozen in ice not long ago that had a 100% germination rate? Nature is fuego.
kayjay25: The oldest seeds to reproduce since Hugh Hefner.
Imaneight: And yet I can’t get 15 year old pot seeds to sprout with all the coaxing that modern wet paper towel technology has to offer. Guess it just wasn’t meant to be.
Spdrjay: Do you want Triffids!?!
Because that’s how you get Triffids.
dscott2nd: Not even a picture of the tree? WTF?
AO557: Think the article has a picture of said tree?…think again.
Raditz10: Was anyone else upset to skim through all that only to find not a single image of this plant?
pygmygiraffes: Did they ever figure out how the seed’s “food” didn’t rot over the years? That jar must have had the perfect preserving conditions.
Omgaspider: I am groot.
gearbottom: this makes me think of stardew valley
Meroghar: Hey I studied there last semester! The date palm is growing healthily and the doctor who planted it is fucking bonkers.
CalamityBowser: When they found the jar, the seeds jumped out and yelled “Yahaha! You found me!”
Socialist7: I found this weirdly emotional.
mooshimanx: The record for oldest plant sprouted was beat in 2012 by 32,000 year old seed recovered from a glacier in Russia.
Vonn85: Good thing they didn’t plant it in Florida, a meth head would catch it on fire.
MyKettleIsNotBlack: My Plant Physiology professor in College worked on this project. Botany is f–king amazing.
lurking_digger: Good news for the seedvault…will they need to keep it refrigerated? Just keep it buried?