bluebird6222: She’s not a celebrity she’s a parasite. Most British people don’t like her and can’t understand why tv channels continue to give her air time.
WonderWeeble: dont feed the professional troll
BucketHatManReni: “Celebrity” professional gobshite more like
Mightymaas: Stop making stupid people famous
Edit: anyone reading this comment that voted for Trump can suck my fucking dick
Stratters: I watched it live, it was beautiful. Phillip Schofield was pissing himself laughing
sirbissel: Maybe she meant people who name their kid things like “28.704059, 77.102490”?
Phantom_Crush: She was also caught having sex in public with a married man.
For those like me who only have 30 seconds to watch a clip.
Marmite_Badger: There are very few people that I would give the title of “cunt” to, and Katie Hopkins is one of them.
She forbids her kids from being friends with other kids who have specific names, because she thinks that everyone with those names are automatically bad influences.
Lady_Bread: We need to stop publicizing these sort of mental gymnastics and maybe instead get these people into treatment/counseling.
There’s too many people like this out there, quick to deny or excuse the **facts** in front of them.
desiAbsurdist: of all places, a British celebrity didn’t know India is not a ‘location’
it’s more sad than funny 😛
shreddedkittentacos: I read the article and by the end, I realized something about myself: I waste a fucking lot of time reading shit.
Overcome01: That entire interview was a shit show. It was painful to watch.
sodapop43: What kind of class does that child come fom? Do I want my child to play with them? What a cunt
Zerimas: Duh! India is a social construct. The borders don’t really exist. Their a fiction whose existence is dictated by law, and the agreement of other countries (whose borders are also a social construct). Therefore we can say that the name “India” doesn’t *really* refer to a “location”. /s
TLMoss: She’s only a celebrity because she famous in Britain for being stupid and a vile human being. This is by a wide margin not the most stupid thing she’s said.
C_IsForCookie: >And as Hopkins went on to declare that the likes of ‘the Tylers, the Charmaines, the Chantelles, the Chardonnays’ would not be permitted to be friends with her offspiring
Since when is Tyler viewed as a less than standard name?
diabeticoats: Do not call Katie Hopkins a celebrity. She isn’t.
Thecna2: Britains Omarosa
LifeBeforeInternet: “Watch fuming Holly Willoughby tell This Morning rent-a-gob Katie Hopkins to button up during kids’ names row”
Can someone translate that fucking headline for people who speak english?
thedvorakian: India is a type of rubber.
Very likely the type that failed and gave rise to that girl.
LanikM: Is this the Ann Coulter of the UK or what?
Gizm00: She’s not a celebrity, she’s a cunt and as article correctly states, gob-for-hire
silentmikhail: Sounds like everyone in Hollywood right now.
Ch3llieBelly: What was that last bit about the blue nun. Katie got really serious faced when the blonde host told her to stop? Why?
Pachi2Sexy: She’s paid to be a real world troll.
Purple_Herman: “I was talking about the ink, mate.”
Friscogonewild: What a weird sub for this to be posted on.
BoboMcGraw: She is a vile human being who thinks the fact she is willing to voice her opinions somehow validates them.
She also is unable, or unwilling, to accept evidence that disproves a claim she makes. She made a show about how easy it is to be thin or to lose weight. The idea was to put on a load of weight and then diet and lose it quickly.
She couldn’t put on the weight, her metabolism was too fast. She was informed of this by at least one medical professional and yet she was unable to make the connection between her own fast metabolism and low weight. So she didn’t even entertain the possibility that if she has a fast metabolism maybe some people might have slow metabolisms.
Merlyn_LeRoy: She was named after the ink.
lickylickyboobies: She knows this and makes money off of people overreacting to her pointless bullshit. I wish people would find proper shit to be outraged about and these wankers would no longer exist.
Netherspark: “celebrity”?
smaller_infinity: She’s British, so its not related to a location, but a business
Meriduss: Holy…fuck
Captain_fuckoff: Has today I learned gone from reposts to just mentioning how someone just found an old viral video?
Teague90: Katie Sexkins
samuelmelcher: Wow, the clip is even worse. What a garbage human being.
SpiralSD: She could be thinking it’s a color or at least a dye. Though, I’m stretching for an excuse here
Hotarg: And soon enough, someone will be in India, and “That’s not related to a location”
Ozymandas-: Maybe she’s named after the ink.
muad_dyb: this bitch is psycho.
whenrudyardbegan: Til a funny anecdote? What the fuck is this shit
dex1999: That lady is out of her mind and needs to wake up and smell the poppy’s.
ba3toven: thats that professional c— lady isnt it?
Stellen99: Next a shocking secret that the Khardashians are desperate to keep under wraps!