khandnalie: ‘Prince was a great bowler’ Huh, I never knew that!
‘Prince wore furry knee high boots while bowling’ I kinda already figured that. It’s Prince.
NlightenedSelfIntrst: Frame, Blouses.
Cyclone_1: He never just left the pins standing, alone in a world that’s so cold.
Evildead667: Skins versus Blouses…And Prince could ball
royboyblue: He could show up, bowl a 300 in heels and walk out with YOUR girl!
TooShiftyForYou: He was so good they invited him to the Super Bowl one year.
AudibleNod: Prince was a sensational _______. You can pretty much fill in anything and have it be true.
MeatSweatsAmbrosia: He’s probably the only person ever who could actually pull off furry knee high bowling boots.
llewkeller: I believe he was also a master at Ping-Pong, and would regularly invite other celebrities to play with him, who would try to avoid it because Prince would kick their asses.
The_1_upper_guy: Dude was a hell of an athlete, played like 12 instruments, and a writer. Is their anything this guy can’t do? Seriously! He might go down as the worlds most talented person
ElonComedy: Purple Frame
Lovehat: [Prince, Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne and others — “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”](
[Princes part starts here](
[Charlie MURPHY true Hollywood story of Prince](
sophiesofi: as this point I’ll believe almost anything someone tells me about Prince
UnseenPower: I remember a story of him playing table tennis with someone. I forgot who now but it was bizarre! Anyone able to help?
Edit: Jimmy fallon
360walkaway: And made killer pancakes.
delmoz: Any person surprised by this did not understand Prince
downtownflipped: I think we hugged this one to death, link is down.
MAGICHUSTLE: Purple lanes. Purple lanes..
lazysheepdog716: Attention people who live in areas without cold, snowy winters: We who live north of the wall are just statistically more likely to be good bowlers. Gotta do something to wile away the winter. Not surprised in the least to learn this, Prince was from Minnesota, it was just a matter of probability. Knee high boots however, make him a legend.
A_Turkysandwich: 10 pin bowler? Is there other amounts of bowling in unaware of?
Just1morefix: “Who could pretty much get a strike *at will*.” So he only bowled 300 games? I hear Glorious Leader Kim gave up golf after shooting 18. Seems a little hyperbolic for a TIL title.
jgraham1: Immediately thought of [this]( guy from the Big Lebowski
oldcreaker: A ten pin bowler wearing furry high knee boots – almost sounds like a Prince song in this somewhere.
sindex23: **Me**: “Wait.. what do you mean ‘was?'”
*sigh* I momentarily forgot that Prince was dead.
offtheshoresoforion: Noob question: What is the most efficient way to make sure the folks over at r/bowling see this?
wm_destroy: If it just said Prince wore furry knee high boots when bowling we would have deduced that he was a sensational bowler.
settledownguy: Assemble your crew.
RealityInRepair: “Nobody fucks with the Jesus, man.”
lazrbeam: It’s time for a new Dave Chappelle skit. Does anyone have his number?
hegonewalkabout: He also shredded on a bunch of different instruments and could make a straight man blow in seconds with his prince lips