Omnipotent_Goose: 22 tons of weed in 3lb cans? That’s over 14,000 cans of weed. It must have looked like they went on forever into the horizon. Like some sort of Can Abyss.
Asi9_42ne: >Once the news spread, most cans didn’t even reach the sand – fishermen, surfers and some adventurers (and the police) would pick them up at sea.
>As the load dropped at sea was immense – the estimated 22 tons would be enough to fill about 15 thousand cans – and the Federal Police seized only 2,563 cans throughout the country, people definitely had a lot to share.
That’s a lot of happy fishermen.
TooShiftyForYou: The first time anyone has ever welcomed sea weed.
CrimsonPig: Now that’s what I call a high tide.
SummerMummer: Sounds like an event to form a religion around.
jsveiga: It was much stronger than what, er…, “people” were used to, so “da lata” (from the can) became an idomatic expression meaning “outstanding”. Some (few) people still say that, even without knowing the origin of it.
I was in college then. It was surreal to see it in the news for weeks, with police trying to contain the spread, but it reached beaches of multiple Brazilian states. There was a sailboat reace where racers abandoned the race to collect from a “school” of cans that showed up.
Endless_Vanity: So by today’s pricing would that be about $88,000,000.00 worth of weed? Asking for a friend.
PJWalter: Can… You take me higher.
QuarterOztoFreedom: Good guy drug war
ReubenZWeiner: Wouldn’t they need a cannabis opener?
matt10796: That looks like some horrible grass.
meelakie: That summer, worker productivity cratered 55%, but pizza franchises saw explosive growth.
kgunnar: Can O’ Biss
CaptCaCa: Dam look at all that reggie. Headaches all around!
mrshatnertoyou: >Apart from the unusual situation, the herb also gained fame for its high quality, according to users. According to this famous actor, every week there was a party with a surprise result from the cans. It was the motivation of the summer. People would gather on the sand to use it.
It was like a box of chocolates.
GabMassa: It was legendary, there’s an article by Folha de São Paulo on many accounts from famous people on the event.
I don’t remember exactly who said it but there was a remark somewhat like this:
” I just remember it happened, I don’t remember what happened after it.”
logatwork: I was a 8 year old kid back then, but I remember to this day the name “Verão da Lata”. It became an historical event here in Rio.
SuperSonicRitz: Mega Man released in 1987 as well
Nbirdsall: I live in a fishing town in downeast Maine, and older fishermen say they used to occasionally pull up containers of Hashish in their scallop drags during the late seventies after a smuggler dumped his cargo. It was referred to as sea hash when sold in the area.
ContentsMayVary: They made a film about it happening with whiskey, so why not Cannabis Galore! (They’ve already done [Heroin Galore]( …)
edgp123: r/trees
anosman7310: I love me some CANnabis
AlmanzoWilder: Can I smoke it? Yes you can!
s0m3th1ngAZ: Related. I did several deployments around South America for counter-drug ops. We’d roll up on fishing boats looking for cocaine based on Intel received at the docks, dirdcft observation, or snitches. Most of the time they throw the drugs overboard before we had a chancfe to either shoot their engines out, or catch up to them. Now, bailed cocaine paste floats. Most of that shit we fished out. Not all of it. I can’t imagine how many 12$m 60kg bailes of cocaine are still floating around out there.
ROIDBOT: [NYC was not to be outdone that year](
youknowhattodo: The ship’s captain? Han Solo
Spaceisthecoolest: And thousands of Bob Marley cassette tapes were sold that summer.
fapfapfapmaster: I wonder if this glorious holiday is still celebrated there. Would it be the equivalent to our 4/20?
PunjabiDJ: I was gonna go to work
but then I got high
MMMLG: Beach, summer, samba, hot girls and weed.
herbw: It was interesting to see what happened at High Summer in coastal Brasil.
apestuff: That was a good summer.
CosmonaughtyIsRoboty: Ahhhhh yes the green summer is looked upon fondly even if a bit hazy.
ShavedApeBaby: Welcome to the summer Cans Film Festival. Films include
Dude Where’s My Car
Half Baked
Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke
Alan_Smithee_: Seems apropos:
wellok19: Yeah, I wish I was younger back then.
[This was written]( about it, and it was a hit song in Brazil some years later.
OpossumBoy: The soup business is going great!
I2ed3ye: What if everyone who smuggled for me dropped their cargo at the first sign of an Imperial starship?
H3R40: My uncle and my father got a hold on one of those cans, it was an all time low-price on weed, as they say. IIRC some cans are sold on our ‘local’ e-bay for their nostalgia value.
GoldenGonzo: Looks like shitty ditch/brick weed. But hey, free weed.
asapgrey: My friends found an ounce once…
Doesn’t compare I guess
DC-15S501st: Popeyes spinach anyone??
shleppenwolf: In the Sixties, a lot of weed arrived in the Florida Keys by boat, packed in trash-compactor bags (dunno what the prevailing method is today). When smugglers spotted The Man coming, they’d often toss the evidence overboard.
Bags that washed ashore were known as “square flounder”.
Stanislavsyndrome: [A similar thing happened in America, when an smuggler crashed his airplane into a lake](
the_dove_from_above: Didn’t that happen during the war with whiskey in Scotland?
ThisGuyH3RE: Imgine a guy stranded on a empy island and finds these cans but just can’t seem to get a fire going. Poor guy
pgcooldad: It should be expressed as “The summer of cans”, not “of the cans”. It flows better in english, just as Brazilian Portuguese flows without abrupt stops, i.e., of-the-cans.
doobling: Hey even they get boarded sometimes, Jabba.
Reacher-Said-Nothing: I was once looking for a garbage bin in my gf’s backyard, just had to drop off a poop baggie from their dog, found a bin behind their shed, opened it up, and to my surprise it was filled to the brim with 1lb weed baggies.
So we took one.
littlewhiteman2: Well we’ve managed to overload the site
virtualmitch101: I remember this.
The nickel bags that I bought at the time on the streets of Brooklyn were moist with oil smelling foulness.
It was horrible but we rolled it up and smoked it anyway because it was our last $5 that we chipped in for…every weekend.
Irishpanda1971: Jabba must have been pissed. Can’t have smugglers dropping their cargo at the first sign of an Imperial starship.
chapterpt: I had a summer of the same title, but I was just a teenage boy with a staring problem.
Commentits: My family has a beach house here in Brazil, and my aunt actually found one of these cans.
The weed was decent, and it was a lot of it.
Jaz_the_Nagai: So they Han Solo’d it?
snes_chamers: 1987…why do the pictures look like they’re from 1920?
chewingpencaps: What the fuck kind of weed is that? Looks like grass. Like, grass you cut on your front lawn after a full Saturday of your wife bitching and moaning about how the HOA is threatening to “take legal action” and how your 8 year old sons cat has been “missing for 3 weeks” kind of grass.
ummonommu: > The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne!
LimblessPeasant: “The Brazilian Weed Party”
uhyeaokay: wonder how shitty that weed was tho
mavajo: I thought every summer in Brazil was the Summer of the Cans?
Twelveplus87equals7: Looks like ditch weed.
twoeyedodin: The expression “it’s from the can” means “this weed is very good” to this day in Rio.
Source: Am from Rio.
604_heatzcore: Prob have to smoke the whole can to get high sounds like some grade d shit
klsi832: /r/thirtyyearsago
Carlos_Danger11: Ugh. Shitty cartel brick weed
LB says
From someone who surfed out and got two cans….he said it was one of the best weeds he ever smoked…..he’s 55 now