This Crazy Looking Creature!
ChevroletAndIceCream: What is it?
Eefex: A blue glaucus. It’s a kind of sea slug.
RebelOverlord: Glaucus Atlanticus
Whiskiz: Looks like something out of final fantasy that’d cast thundaga on you
sK0pey: What Pokemon is that?
Jovahkiin95: DYK they eat jellyfish (stingers don’t affect them), and actually collect the poison from said jellyfish to use in self defence?
tickleyourfrontbutt: How long did it take for Megatron to sink to the bottom? Took his ass like 30 seconds to get back out and another 5 minutes to travel to another planet.
TIL if you threw a stone overboard above the Mariana Tench (6.8 mi deep) it would take an hour for it to hit the ocean floor.
igotdickfordays: But what if it was a really big stone?
Lukavian: Unless it was a very small rock. Monty Python taught me those float.
andretti87: Assuming a current doesnt take it elsewhere..
800over: A European stone or an African one?
nomsayin_: Tench is a coldwater fish brah.
YoucantdothatonTV: Knew this was one way ticket, but you know I had to go. Love you wife
rf9134: You’re waiting way too long for stones to hit the bottom. Who’s your stone guy?
BecauseScience: So what exactly would the pressure do to the rock?
Intolerance: I tried this once, but all I brought was pumice.
SsurebreC: [Here’s a nice comparison video of how deep it is.](
tygrenier: I’ll take that bet (reaches for pumice).
Ace676: [Relevant almost xkcd](
GordonFr33man: Reminds me of my ex.
buttplayis_bestplay: Tench
dog_in_the_vent: This seems dubious. Depending on the weight and displacement of the rock it might not even reach the bottom.
CrispyOmega: AbOuT aS dEeP aS yOuR mOm
High on trees.
thr2024: Yeah fuck that. You couldn’t get me up there
Quaval: Sphincter tightened…
Clay_Statue: I bet he’s picking those chips outta his asscrack when he showers.
rnev64: everyday man in the park, chop trees.
whyamisosoftinthemid: My balls are up around my armpits about now.
bannedprincessny: yea, thats way too high. makes me very glad to be in bed.
eLmeez: I get highed up to do my work too…
Taprackpull: I was really hoping to see that log smash the cab of the truck. Thanks for the disappointment.
DaydreamKid: The splinters. Oh god the splinters.
oskizzle: Why is the truck there? One small catch of the tree on the non-cut side as he pushes it, and this thing causes a boatload of unnecessary damage.