Autism_Tylr_Schaffer: TIL there are people who think four-legged animals like horses and dogs have backwards knees.
deustaurus: In effect, they’re walking on the balls of their feet.
tuckmyjunksofast: More animals walk on their toes than on their heels like we do.
Treats: Animals that walk on their fingers like that are called digitigrades. Things that walk on their whole foot like humans are called plantigrades. Things that walk on hooves are unguligrades. They’re basically walking on the equivalent of our fingernails.
Shazamo_: ITT: People who think everyone went to the same school but slept through the anatomy class.
SilasX: Wow, it’s almost like we share an evolutionary history or something!
Anathema47: Yeah they basically have really long feet and walk on their toes.
xarahn: I thought everybody knew this.
firejuggler74: Same thing for birds.
skepticdoubt: I wish i was smart
BrandeX: You actually thought the reverse?
Haven’t you ever seen the shape of their legs/feet when they are sitting down?
PunktualPenguin: Horse front legs are like you walking around on your middle finger.
Random_G: Isn’t this common knowledge for anyone who… You know… Went to school!?
NeroJoe: TIL that a lot of people completely slept through 6th grade anatomy lessons.
shyamsk: But why did it evolve like that?
adalab: Yet every time my dog digs into me with her ankle when getting up off the couch i yell “omg get your back-knee out of my stomach!” When in pain its a back-knee.
floeds: The same goes for a flamingo. It’s the ankles, not the knees you see.
Bhargo: I hand to manhandle my cat to check to make sure and yeah she certainly does have normal knees, never really noticed (or cared, I suppose is the more accurate word). Also she scratched the holy hell out of me but science demands sacrifice.
Gargomon251: I’m surprised there are adults that don’t realize this.
hb1500: Brought to you by 3rd grade.
TheScythe65: This is something I kneeded to learn sooner
Ankle joints are used to replace knees these days. The healthy ankle joint is rotated, with the foot facing backwards, and attached however it needs to be attached. I’m just a guy.
aspark32: Fun fact: this is the same for flamingoes too!
Nemam11: Isn’t it funny how in the article they call the hip a knee and have the knee blank?
cgvet9702: Elephants have four knees.
neandersthall: Elephants are backwards.