Scientists understand that Earth’s magnetic field has flipped its polarity many times over the millennia. In other words, if you were alive about 800,000 years ago, and facing what we call north with a magnetic compass in your hand, the needle would point to ‘south.’ This is because a magnetic compass is calibrated based on Earth’s poles. The N-S markings of a compass would be 180 degrees wrong if the polarity of today’s magnetic field were reversed. Many doomsday theorists have tried to take this natural geological occurrence and suggest it could lead to Earth’s destruction. But would there be any dramatic effects? The answer, from the geologic and fossil records we have from hundreds of past magnetic polarity reversals, seems to be ‘no.’
MinimallyInvasive: This is one of the things new-agers thought would happen in 2012.
robynflower: It is called a geomagnetic reversal, the change in the poles isn’t something that happens quickly, but rather the poles migrate slowly to the opposite pole rather than quickly flip –
Spdrjay: It’s waiting to do it when it will get the most laughs.
SuiteSwede: What kind of effect will that have on our technology?? Would our GPS be ruined and we’d have to figure things out again or what? Would it still block the rays form the sun, ect.?
panzerkampfwagen: And when it happens the Sun turns into a laser beam and melts everything!
typodaemon: Sucks for the guys living on Eath.
MujaViking: What does this have to do with net neutrality?
itty53: *The man who flipped it?*
*Alber-* okay I’ll stop.
Narioss: that’s not a very good average I think
sapientiascientiae: However, it is highly unlikely that we have a complete picture of this situation. The evidence that we have of prior flips is most fragmentary, and there are indications that it has flipped more recently. Additionally, it takes a long time for the flip to actually occur; it isn’t a single major event, but an extremely slow transition.
I read a couple months ago that the magnetic pole has moved back and forth between Canada and Russia quite a few times over the last few decades; it is always motile.
Vakama905: Clive Cussler’s *Polar Shift*, anyone?
IT_guys_rule: Welcome to Eath!
tygrenier: Surprised there are no comments yet about “Eaths”
gjbbb: So would that flip winter to summer?
JJRimmer: Good old eath.
leontes: I flipped it just a couple days ago, but decided against keeping it, so I flipped it back. It was when everyone was sleeping so no one noticed.
WumboMachine: Eaths!? How the fuck did you mess that up?
coolshifts: I’m thinking the core is cooling and less turbulent in general. Less volcanic activity as well.
ThirdWaveSutras: It’s entirely plausible this is a factor if not a driver in climate change
condesnado: For all you smartypants, the actual name of the planet changes to “Eath” when the poles flip, so IT’S ALREADY HAPPENED BRO.
Youngjuicer4747: Well, guess that average is wrong.
Zome_ONE: I detect poorly structured science
fiveminded: So, something that is thought to happen every 2-300,000 years but hasn’t happened for 780,000 years is wrong then.
Extreme Spinning
DrizzledDrizzt: [Bboy Pocket is his name, spinning is his game](
cdude: That’s easy. Here’s [me]( doing the same thing.
TotallyDepraved: There’s a kid version of him out there called Lil’Demon.
There’s a clip of him doing 30+ flairs. I’ll see if I can find it. Stupid flimsy 3g at the moment.
[8 years old](
And when older: [Thriller](
[Bonus combo moves (near the end)](
Son0vaGlitch: [the chosen one](
TareXmd: You move like them. [I’ve never seen anyone move so fast.](