Xanthour: This is how you get highly advanced, bitter mole people! C’mon man! Pilling a bunch of dirt on them will only make them stronger, as well as anger them by the display of our disdain towards them!
Freezair: Inexplicably, 90% of their population is made up of dads. Don’t ask us how that works out.
It_is_to_Its: Its*
TrainIsland: just gotta change Ho Chi Minh City into Housewife Chi Minh City now
Ctatyk: This made me laugh loudly at work. Thanks for sharing that.
mfrancisco1: ha!
my parents have a little farm South of there in Bufallo WV, it’s their summer home. it’s a different way of life there for sure.
twanas: Cute. Hot Springs NM changed its name to Truth or Consequences in 1950 to win the honor of having the 10th anniversary broadcast of a radio show by the same name originate there. We call it T or C for short. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_or_Consequences,_New_Mexico
kamalamckinney: A town in Texas changed its name to Dish in order to get free basic satellite service for ten years. Guess it was as good a reason as any…..
XavierScorpionIkari: Slow. Clap.
WInslow907: I wonder how many times this phrase was said they day they did it. Every dad in the county did, for sure.
thetasigma1355: I don’t think you know what the word “literally” means….
morrock14: Not a lot happening in West Virginia.
devotchko: That literally would be the opposite of literally making a mountain out of a molehill. They FIGURATIVELY made a mountain out of a molehill by changing the name. Please stop murdering the English language. Thanks.
necromundus: Figuratively*
captaincontradiction: Mole Hill is in western Virginia.
WilliamTaftsGut: Are they run by a committee of 45 year old fathers of 3? What a pointless endeavour.