Thieves rob DC Uber Eats driver, reject stolen android phone for not being iPhone | Category: General Source
Marshall_Lawson says Good if you’re gonna rob me at least let me keep my phone! it’s nothing special but would make the headache of sorting my life out afterwards so much worse to lose that too
BeYourself2021 says Idiots. Having an android phone is the new Manual Transmission apparently. ​ Losers. lol
Marshall_Lawson says
Good if you’re gonna rob me at least let me keep my phone! it’s nothing special but would make the headache of sorting my life out afterwards so much worse to lose that too
PeterNippelstein says
The driver was using a stolen android phone to drive uber?
BeYourself2021 says
Having an android phone is the new Manual Transmission apparently.
Losers. lol