On a list of top 10 things you should never do, I’d say bragging about stealing from a cartel while in a fucking border town (or ever, for that matter) comes pretty close to #1.
What a complete imbecile. If there’s anything a cartel hates more than a snitch, it’s a thief. This dude is beyond dead and I’m sure a funky town esq video will be popping up soon.
oh_io_94 says
This is either a really good thing for him or really bad thing for him
arequiredfield says
There are literally movies about this, how did this dude think this was going to play out?
Hi_Im_Dadbot says
No shit.
wtfburritoo says
On a list of top 10 things you should never do, I’d say bragging about stealing from a cartel while in a fucking border town (or ever, for that matter) comes pretty close to #1.
Conker3685 says
Funky Town anyone?
Mirabolis says
“Hello, Darwin Awards nomination committee?“
Amazingshot says
Why would you brag about it? Take the money and quietly move away, jeez
FluffyDiscipline says
What a complete mystery…
Better call Saul
DaClems says
No Country For Dumb Fucks
Skynetiskumming says
What a complete imbecile. If there’s anything a cartel hates more than a snitch, it’s a thief. This dude is beyond dead and I’m sure a funky town esq video will be popping up soon.
Prenasy says
This reminds me of the movie No Country For Old Men.
mrstimp says
I live 5000 miles away and even I think I would be a stupid thing to do.
rileydogdad1 says
Missing never to be found.
DaveOJ12 says
This subreddit is just reposts. It’s ridiculous.
sugar_addict002 says
I bet he is or was Maga.