Royal Mail apologises for ‘misjudged’ April Fools’ joke promising staff pay rises | Category: General Source
twoscoop says It was made by management, they will surely use this in their meeting on pay raises. That manager should get transfered to like their london office. Make them suffer.
Y5K77G says
why would you joke about this.
twoscoop says
It was made by management, they will surely use this in their meeting on pay raises. That manager should get transfered to like their london office. Make them suffer.
Quinn_tEskimo says
> “The poster was removed and the local manager has apologised.”
Now fire him.
Frankenmuppet says
That would be the day I start looking for a new job
Lex8P says
Well that means post ain’t being delivered for a while
Bungo_pls says
What fucking scum would joke about that..