HauntedFurniture says > He then claimed that it would be impossible to stop every single gun from getting into “the hands of a crazy person, a deranged person, [or] a convicted felon,” and even if it was done, it “would do nothing to prevent y’all’s safety.” [“Some of you may die…”](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/473/877/421.gif)
GetlostMaps says
WWJD? What would Jesus do?
His favorite gun is obvious. A nail gun.
HauntedFurniture says
> He then claimed that it would be impossible to stop every single gun from getting into “the hands of a crazy person, a deranged person, [or] a convicted felon,” and even if it was done, it “would do nothing to prevent y’all’s safety.”
[“Some of you may die…”](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/473/877/421.gif)
Jonabc5 says