This is just plain stupid and scummy, scammers have been using his name to scam people for millions of dollars in crypto and here he is feeding it more. All the while he’s still being sued because of his pump and dump antics specifically with Doge coin. The guy thinks he’s being “edgy” but I hope he gets sued again
whiterac00n says
This is just plain stupid and scummy, scammers have been using his name to scam people for millions of dollars in crypto and here he is feeding it more. All the while he’s still being sued because of his pump and dump antics specifically with Doge coin. The guy thinks he’s being “edgy” but I hope he gets sued again
aagjevraagje says
Pathetic , utterly and completely pathetic
SmittyFjordmanjensen says
rapidly devolving into shithole platform.
spectraphysics says
He keeps doing any stupid thing he can to stay in the news. I sincerely wish everyone would stop giving this, and all the other idiots, any air.