Team studying health effects of Ohio train derailment get sick studying Ohio train derailment. | Category: General Source
Zeddrocks says “You know what they say, 7 people getting sick at the same time with the same symptoms is a coincidence, 8 is maybe a trend” – Norfolk Southern spokesperson probably
machina99 says It’s typically seen as bad form to include yourself as participants in your own study /s
No-Assignment7129 says
Now they can self observe for study outcomes. Stonks?
Zeddrocks says
“You know what they say, 7 people getting sick at the same time with the same symptoms is a coincidence, 8 is maybe a trend” – Norfolk Southern spokesperson probably
Rude-Atmosphere-3969 says
I’m sure it’s unrelated. Just a fluke.
willstr1 says
Study results: inconclusive
machina99 says
It’s typically seen as bad form to include yourself as participants in your own study /s