*…and from now on the “centuries of rape & murder” will be referred to as prolonged period of non-consensual intercourse & perpetual existential dilemma*
Should probably also start teaching that the Texas Revolution was started (in part) because Santa Ana wanted to abolish slavery across Mexico and the Texians didn’t want to give up their slaves.
Since they like to use the term “woke” in reference to normal or left leaning teaching of racial issues, can everyone else start using the term “asleep” in reference to right-wing attempts to alter history or hide racial issues?
Bokbreath says
>A group of Texas educators have proposed to the Texas State Board of Education that slavery should be taught as “involuntary relocation”
They are not educators. They are propagandists.
VyrPlan says
*…and from now on the “centuries of rape & murder” will be referred to as prolonged period of non-consensual intercourse & perpetual existential dilemma*
fiddlenutz says
Next up. Rape. Involuntary procreation.
nowhereman136 says
Should probably also start teaching that the Texas Revolution was started (in part) because Santa Ana wanted to abolish slavery across Mexico and the Texians didn’t want to give up their slaves.
earhere says
Didn’t texas schools use to teach that the Civil War was the “War of Northern Aggression?”
wwarnout says
The next time Texas gets pissed about an election and threatens to secede, please say “yes”.
westdl says
Since they like to use the term “woke” in reference to normal or left leaning teaching of racial issues, can everyone else start using the term “asleep” in reference to right-wing attempts to alter history or hide racial issues?
yesterxday says
Why not call slavery what it really is? SLAVERY. Stupid GOP NAZI scumbags
scoredonu says
Prisoners with jobs….