tucker carlson’s lawyers argued (and won) in court that no one of reasonable intelligence could ever *really* think they were offering facts or a legit news show
what’s kinda funny to me is that they aren’t wrong – it is blatantly phony “patriotism” bullshit and about as far from journalism as you can get – yet still the number one most watched “news” program
i mean, john hurt’s character in V for Vendetta was more subtle than most of these fox personalities, yet people are still watching and nodding along
nowhereman1223 says
Fox News also won lawsuits in the past that allow them to lie about anything.
The term Fox News is a marketing slogan based on the lawsuits and they do not have to have any reality or truth to what they say.
[deleted] says
VyrPlan says
tucker carlson’s lawyers argued (and won) in court that no one of reasonable intelligence could ever *really* think they were offering facts or a legit news show
what’s kinda funny to me is that they aren’t wrong – it is blatantly phony “patriotism” bullshit and about as far from journalism as you can get – yet still the number one most watched “news” program
i mean, john hurt’s character in V for Vendetta was more subtle than most of these fox personalities, yet people are still watching and nodding along
newaccount721 says
Yeah this is shitty but not oniony. It is more /r/noshit
time4someredit says
So Fox News is to news, as WWE is to sport. It is just a form of entertainment
KateBushFuckingSucks says
Perfect, so fuck-all will be done about it. Can’t wait for history to keep repeating its stupid self.
EquivalentInflation says
For everyone wondering how this is oniony, it involves the fact that Fox News admitting to wrongdoing