This is why so many Queens are opting for cremation these days.
Although I would say with modern technology that can compress the remains of people into a gemstone it might be much more interesting to have each passing monarch be turned into a diamond, ruby or emerald and added to the crown jewels.
I noticed the story totally ignored the income from travel and taxes as a result of the tourism her death generated. Hard to make a decision when you are only allowed to see one side of the ledger.
British citizens pay 0 tax towards the royal family.
In 1760, George III made an agreement with the government that in exchange for them acting as a property management company, the government would take a cut of the monarches revenue from their vast property collection, this is known as the “crown estate tax”.
In the beginning, the monarch got most of this revenue, with the government taking a small %. However slowly over time the % the government takes has been increasing, today the government takes most of it.
Today, on a typical year, the crowns properties give the government £350 million a year and typically the royal family receives £70 million covering their expenses.
Their expenses are always less than the crown estate tax, so citizens never pay tax to cover the expenses of the royal family.
She was one of, if not *the*, richest women in the world. Didn’t get there by spending her own money. The British royals take then take then take some more from the public purse (via the Sovereign Grant) AND they have things paid for them as well.
You think that Petty Betty would have cared that the costs of her funeral could have gone to better use? About as much as her “heirs and successors” care, which is to say, not much.
Lol the united kingdom seems like the most feudal and backward society in the world if the population has to pay taxes to bury a non functioning monarchy. Even dictatorships/full monarchies are better, because at least the person at helm is working
User_4659 says
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. One family ruling a country needs to end.
JoeBoredom says
Does that include the whole country being shut down for a work day? That should amount to about .5% of 2023’s GDP.
Edit: Oops I googled it, UK has 256 work days. So 1/256 * (GDP = 3.131 trillion) = 12.23 billion.
Nitpicky_Karen says
You could bury the entire royal line for that, and should.
rafark says
Paid for by the taxpayers. That must suck.
DCErik says
[No golf courses in England, I guess.](
BigBobby2016 says
And this is oniony why? It’s unexpected that a queen’s funeral would cost an exorbitant amount?
InternetPeon says
This is why so many Queens are opting for cremation these days.
Although I would say with modern technology that can compress the remains of people into a gemstone it might be much more interesting to have each passing monarch be turned into a diamond, ruby or emerald and added to the crown jewels.
sharptackinmybutt says
This is a ridiculous claim, they don’t even use dollars in England.
jamkoch says
I noticed the story totally ignored the income from travel and taxes as a result of the tourism her death generated. Hard to make a decision when you are only allowed to see one side of the ledger.
mells3030 says
Aren’t they the richest family in the entire country? Can’t they pay for that funeral themselves? Like this is pretty ridiculous for a funeral.
Khemith says
British need to learn to piss away their money to military contractors to build planes that will never see combat. America does this very well.
thoughtsnquestions says
British citizens pay 0 tax towards the royal family.
In 1760, George III made an agreement with the government that in exchange for them acting as a property management company, the government would take a cut of the monarches revenue from their vast property collection, this is known as the “crown estate tax”.
In the beginning, the monarch got most of this revenue, with the government taking a small %. However slowly over time the % the government takes has been increasing, today the government takes most of it.
Today, on a typical year, the crowns properties give the government £350 million a year and typically the royal family receives £70 million covering their expenses.
Their expenses are always less than the crown estate tax, so citizens never pay tax to cover the expenses of the royal family.
CandylandCanada says
She was one of, if not *the*, richest women in the world. Didn’t get there by spending her own money. The British royals take then take then take some more from the public purse (via the Sovereign Grant) AND they have things paid for them as well.
You think that Petty Betty would have cared that the costs of her funeral could have gone to better use? About as much as her “heirs and successors” care, which is to say, not much.
Fracture_98 says
So what? The economy got that much in Collector’s Plate sales alone, I bet.
osapjules says
Lol the united kingdom seems like the most feudal and backward society in the world if the population has to pay taxes to bury a non functioning monarchy. Even dictatorships/full monarchies are better, because at least the person at helm is working