Of course he was, that’s how pigs avoid accountability. Probably just went to the next county over. It needs to be a licensed profession with at least four years minimum of training, and if you murder someone you lose your fucking license. Cops are held to less of a standard of responsibility than hairdressers.
I wonder why the the insurance companies don’t instantly raise rates against departments that hire bad cops. Oh that’s right it’s the tax payers money.
boisteroushams says
Something something spoiled apples ruining the bunch.
MikeLitoris_________ says
The US will never progress, as a society, as long as those responsible for Taylor’s death go unpunished.
CustosEcheveria says
Of course he was, that’s how pigs avoid accountability. Probably just went to the next county over. It needs to be a licensed profession with at least four years minimum of training, and if you murder someone you lose your fucking license. Cops are held to less of a standard of responsibility than hairdressers.
pobody says
“We like your style, welcome aboard!”
contactspring says
I wonder why the the insurance companies don’t instantly raise rates against departments that hire bad cops. Oh that’s right it’s the tax payers money.